Best Way to Change Your Mood Using Feng Shui

Any sound waves vibrating through the air will also pass through and influence your own chi energy field and will help to change your mood.

A soft, gentle, more yin sound will soothe and calm the chi energy around you, making it easier to relax. Whereas, a vibrant, rhythmic, more yang sound will stimulate your chi energy field, making you feel more active. In addition, certain sounds will have a cleansing effect on the atmosphere of a room as well as on the people in it. Certain bells, gongs and special metal bowls are used in monasteries and other spiritual places for this reason.

Mood Using Feng Shui Best Way to Change Your Mood Using Feng Shui

One of the most common sounds at home is music. You probably find that music can quickly alter your mood. A serene piece of a classical music is helpful when you feel tense, while a rhythmic piece of modern dance music will make you feel livelier, if you are feeling low. Think carefully when you play music, as this is an opportunity to help you manage your emotions.

Before you introduce anything that makes a sound into your home make sure it has a tone you like. For example, the electronic sound from modern telephones can be irritating. At the same time, if your telephone at home and work has the same sound, when you are a home you may constantly be reminded of work, which may not be the ideal scenario.

A common cause of stress, particularly when living in a town or city, is noise. When the sounds of traffic, aeroplanes, trains, people in the street or neighbours invade your home, it can make it difficult to relax.

One way to mask irritating sounds is to create white noise. White noise is a sound that contains a wide range of sound frequencies. Some of these sound waves will be opposite to other audible sounds. The result is that the two sound waves cancel each other out removing that particular frequency from the range.

An attractive form of white noise is the sound of running water, which can be introduced inside a room with a small indoor waterfall. However, be aware that it will mask other sounds and may force you to talk a little louder, so it is helpful if the waterfall is easy to turn on and off.

In addition, it helps to have features in your home that absorb sounds. Soft surfaces will do this, while hard surfaces tend to reflect sounds back into the room, adding to the potential for stress. Leafy plants are an excellent way of absorbing sound wave vibrations. To reduce noise add tapestries, thick rugs and full length curtains. Large cushions close to windows will help further.

Positive sounds in the home

Listen to the sound of your telephone ringing and consider how you feel about it. If it produces feelings of stress because it reminds you of work consider changing it. Try the sound of a natural metal bell. Change the sound of the ringing tone or buy an old telephone with a natural bell.

Ring your doorbell and ask yourself if you are happy with the sound. If not listen to other possible doorbell sounds. When you find a better sounding doorbell, install it in your home.

Moving energy with sounds

To increase energy in a stagnant or dark area, such as a corner under a low or sloping ceiling or in a basement, place something that will generate sound. This could be a telephone, a music centre, an audible clock or a television.

Mood Using Feng Shui 1 Best Way to Change Your Mood Using Feng Shui

Peaceful sounds

Find a water feature that produces the sound of falling water and ideally, one which allows you to adjust the flow of water and, therefore, the sound. Place the water feature in the eastern or southeastern part of the house or room where you want to reduce the noise level. Make sure the sound of the water is not masked or stifled by nearby soft items, such as a sofa or plant. Run the water feature and test the results. You should change at least some of the water every week so that it remains fresh.

Irritating noise

Try to locate the source of a noise that irritates you, for example, the sound of traffic coming through the windows. Buy a bushy plant and place it close to the windows. In general, the more plants you have in the room the easier it will be to absorb sounds. In addition, add more soft furnishings to the room. Cushions, tablecloths, tapestries and rugs will all absorb noise.

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