Best Way to Feng Shui Your Back Garden with a Birdbath

A birdbath is a simple way of introducing a water feature in the garden. It needs no plumbing and no electricity. All you need to do is find the best place for it and put it in position.

Like all water features the birdbath would be best sited to the east and south-east. If this is not possible, keep a good distance between your home and the birdbath. You will need to make sure that the water in the birdbath is clean and renewed regularly.

Back Garden with Birdbath Best Way to Feng Shui Your Back Garden with a Birdbath

The sight of birds in your garden can be very satisfying so position the birdbath in an area that is clearly visible from your windows.

Features in the garden

  •    Statues Metal statues will concentrate and focus energy and are best in the south-western, central, north-eastern, western, north­western and northern parts of the garden.
  •    Stone Statues will settle the atmosphere and are harmonious in the southern, south-western, central, north-eastern, western and north-western parts of the garden.
  •    Wood or wicker Statues help to create a lighter atmosphere and are ideal to the north, east, south-east and south.
  •    Water features – These add a living energy to a space. It is most important that the water is fresh and unpolluted. Ideal directions for a water feature are east or south-east from your home. If you cannot position it in one of these directions keep the water well away from your home. Moving water in the form of a fountain or waterfall will generate livelier, active energy. Still water, such as a pond, has a calming relaxing effect. In the case of a pond it is important to introduce plenty of natural wildlife to avoid stagnation.
  •    Stones – Rockeries and statues create a solid secure atmosphere and can be used to good effect in the north-east, west, north-west, south-west and centre of your gardens.
  •    Trees – Tall trees, such as a silver birch, are best sited to the north and north-west. In these positions they will not cast a shadow over the garden and they will be in harmony with the natural energy of that part of the garden.
  •    Paths – The material the path is made of will define the flow of chi energy. For example, a path made of smooth, flat paving stones, encourages a faster flow of chi energy. A rough path made from gravel, loose stones or wood chips slows down the flow of chi energy, helping you to relax.

Siting a birdbath

Take a compass reading to see which part of the garden is to the east and south-east. Alternatively, watch the sun rise over the horizon to see which direction east is. As the sun rises in the sky it will be in the south-east. Look to see if these parts of the garden are suitable for a birdbath. If not, you will need to find another location, but make sure it is not too close to your home. Go and look at different types of birdbaths and find one that appeals to you. Prepare the site by making it level and ensuring that the birdbath has a firm foundation. Put the birdbath in its place and fill it with water.

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