Best Way to Feng Shui Your Home Using Fresh Flowers

Fresh flowers radiate more living chi energy than household objects, helping them project their colour more strongly into the room.

Flowers present an excellent way of bringing more chi energy into a room or an area. For example, the energy in the south-western part of your home (or a particular room) is associated with feeling more secure and placing flowers here will help increase this chi energy.

Feng Shui Home Fresh Flowers Best Way to Feng Shui Your Home Using Fresh Flowers

Using flowers is a very flexible way of adding colour to a room. You can change them easily according to your mood and the atmosphere you want to create. Flowering plants will have a similar influence and can take the place of fresh cut flowers if you prefer.

In addition you could put one thing belonging to yourself and one belonging to your partner close to or around the vase overnight. To further enhance the energy in this part of your home, hang a mirror behind the flowers. However, do not place the mirror directly opposite a door, window or another mirror. An arrangement of bright purple or red flowers on a table will often be the most dominant colour in a room, even though they take up a relatively small amount of space.

Romantic feelings help to generate the enthusiasm to start a relationship or improve an existing relationship. One way to help intensify these feelings is to use flowers.

The most helpful colours for romance are pink and red as these symbolize the chi energy of the setting sun in the western sky. The effect of the flowers will be more powerful if you can find a place where they catch the setting sun. It also helps to have two of the same type of flowers in a vase, reflecting the imagery of two people sharing their life.

Any type of flowers are suitable so choose to suit your personal taste, including roses, pink lilies, carnations or tulips. Each flower will generate slightly different chi energy and you may find that a certain flower works best for you.

It is worth finding a beautifully shaped vase for this purpose. Silver, stainless steel, chrome or pewter are all suitable materials. The water must be kept clean and the container shiny.

Positioning flowers in the home

Identify places you would like to put flowers in order to increase the chi energy. Stand in the centre of your home and take a compass reading to determine the direction of the room in which you wish to place the plants. Alternatively you can stand in the centre of a large room and just apply the directions to that room.

Clear a space for the flowers and ensure that the area is clean. Look at the chart and place the appropriate coloured flowers and container in that part of your home. Change the water daily and discard the flowers as they wilt.

Feng Shui Home Fresh Flowers 1 Best Way to Feng Shui Your Home Using Fresh Flowers

Flowers to improve relationships

Buy two flowers of the same type. Cut the bottom of the stems of the flowers at an angle so that they last longer. Place the flowers in a vase. Use a compass to locate the western part of your home or room. If possible, choose a place close to a west-facing window so that the flowers will catch the sunlight. Tidy this part of your home or room. Remove any clutter and give the area a good clean. Place the vase in your chosen position. If it is practical, hang a mirror behind the flowers so that you can see them in the reflection.

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