Best Way to Practice Long Putting in Golf

The idea behind long putting is somewhat different from that behind medium putting, although the object is the same. Given the difficulties involved (that hole looks very far away!), your attitude to the stroke is different. Here, you must try to get the ball near enough to the hole to allow an easy second putt. This means that you must move the ball the correct distance. A shift in emphasis has taken place: with the short putt, the line was most important; with the medium putt, line and length were equally important; but for the long-distance putt the length is paramount.

Advancing from success to success is the best way to learn to play better golf. Therefore, achieve success with the medium putt before going on to practise the long putt.

Long Putting in Golf Best Way to Practice Long Putting in Golf

The pace of the green, the slope of the green, your grip pressure, and the length and speed of your backswing are the four paramount factors in long putting. Judging the necessary length correctly is extremely difficult. If you three-putt, it is nearly always the fault of the first attempt, that either sends the ball too far or too short. It is seldom that an incorrect line causes the extra stroke.

The idea is to imagine a circle around the hole where you want the ball to finish The size and position of the circle (the hole does not always need to be in the middle) will depend entirely upon the length and difficulty of the putt.

Your routine is precisely the same as for the medium putt, but after choosing your intermediate target and taking your stance, your only interest should be in sending the ball the correct distance.


  • Place three balls close to each other, the same distance from the hole, say 15 yds (14 m).
  • Check the pace of the green from ball to hole. Remove any loose impediments that are in the way.
  • Examine the condition of the grass and the slope in the area of the hole, because this is where you want your ball to stop, leaving an easy second putt.
  • Go back to the ball and look from behind it at the line, choosing your intermediate target. Then start your established routine, concen­trating on making smooth practice swings of the desired length and speed.

Long Putting in Golf 1 Best Way to Practice Long Putting in Golf

  • Before taking your stance, place the putter head behind the ball, which is to be in line with the sweet spot and the intermediate target. ‘See’ the ball rolling along the chosen line, stopping in the target circle you have chosen.
  • Concentrate your gaze on the back of the ball and strike it with a copy of your successful practice swing, thinking only of the distance you want to achieve. If successful with the first ball, change your target and start again.

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