Best Way to Practice Medium Putt in Golf

When you have experienced success with your short putting, it is time to start on the medium putt, from 6 ft (2 m) to 20 ft (6 m). Start about 6 ft (2 m) away from the hole, using three balls. Now that you are further away from the hole, the pace, or speed, of the putt becomes increasingly important.

Furthermore, the correct use of your imagination is more necessary here – you have to learn to visualise the ball rolling along the chosen line and into the hole. To knock the ball into the hole, you must give it sufficient speed to reach the target and on the correct line. Should there be a slope, a ball approaching the hole from above has a theoretical chance of falling into the hole. A ball on the lower side, however, has no chance.

Medium Putt in Golf Best Way to Practice Medium Putt in Golf

All putts are straight!

All putts are straight and the putted ball would continue in a straight line if the slope of the green did not cause it to curve from its original path. So you must choose the intermediate target with great care, so that when the ball has passed over it, the pace and curve of the green will take over and make the ball fall away on a curving line towards the hole.

Stand between the ball and the hole and check the pace of the green (the shorter the grass the longer the ball will roll). Is the hole uphill or downhill? Crouch behind the ball and check if the slope of the green is from left to right or right to left. The slope will have a greater influence on the ball the nearer it gets to the hole, because the ball is slowing down at that stage, and a slowly moving ball is more easily affected by the slope of the green. Once you have chosen the line, pick out an intermediate target, and take two practice swings, visualising the ball passing over the intermediate target, rolling along the line, and dropping into the hole.

If you didn’t see a successful result, repeat until you do. Seeing the ball go into the hole when you take your practice swing will give you the confidence to repeat that practice swing when striking the ball. Eventually, this will put most of the mental responsibility on your practice swing, not on the actual putt, allowing you to play the putt in a more relaxed manner.

Only when you are satisfied with the imaginary result of your practice swings should you place the putter behind the first ball, preparatory to taking your stance. Be sure to place the sweet spot directly behind the centre of the ball and in line with the intermediate target. Check this twice before looking at the hole. Remember that it is imperative to stand at right angles to your intermediate target. Then, concentrating your gaze on the back of the ball, strike it, imitating your successful practice swing.

Study the result and, if unsuccessful, decide whether it was your mental picture of length and/or line that was at fault or if your putting stroke was incorrect. Then, making the changes you judge to be necessary, play the second ball from exactly the same position and with the same routine. If you miss once more, play the third ball, again taking into consideration the necessary changes.

Medium Putt in Golf 1 Best Way to Practice Medium Putt in Golf

Should the first ball be successful, pick another hole or move to a different spot, and start again. This type of practice will help you decide whether it is the mental attitude or the actual stroke that needs to be improved.

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