Best Way to Prepare for Pregnancy Physically

Pregnancy is not just a physical event—it’s a journey. And before embarking on any journey, any adventure, you should feel your best, so you can savor every moment of a totally new experience. Imagine planning a two-week hike along theAppalachian trailand not having exercised in months. You may have just put in weeks of long hours at work to finish a project on time, subsisting on carry-out meals from the nearest fast food place. It’s more likely that when the grueling job was finally completed, you’d want to sleep for the first few days rather than embarking upon a physical and emotional adventure. In the same manner, you need to be physically fit for a pregnancy journey.

Most women know it’s important to be healthy when contemplat­ing a pregnancy. But how do you know if you are healthy? What things should you change, increase, decrease, start up, stop, or have checked out? Is it important to be in peak physical condition? What is that like? How can you get into great physical condition?

Physically Prepare for Pregnancy Best Way to Prepare for Pregnancy Physically

These questions and more may be running through your mind. Many books in the library offer suggestions for what areas to look at in prepa­ration for becoming pregnant. Keep in mind that any positive changes toward a healthy body and mind will have a positive impact on you and your baby. After all, your goal is to have a happier, healthier preg­nancy and baby.

In fact, this is a good way to start: by telling yourself that you want to have a healthy baby and a happy pregnancy experience. This begins the process of cultivating a positive attitude. Next, you can ask your­self, “Am I healthy and do I have healthy lifestyle habits?” And if not: “How can I improve or change, in order to be healthier?” Don’t forget to ask your partner if he feels he has lifestyle habits that need improv­ing. You’re in this adventure together, and some lifestyle changes will have a beneficial impact on the whole family’s health. Changing a lifestyle habit is much easier when you’re not pregnant!

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