Best Way to Relax before Sleep

Draw yourself a warm to hot bath and add some aromatherapy oils. Play some relaxing music, lie back in the water, and breathe deeply.

A bath is a wonderful way to end the day and prepare yourself for bed. Ensure you have done everything you need to do before your bath, then pamper yourself. Try a luxurious bubble bath every now and then, if this appeals, and experiment with different oil combinations. You may like to practice some visualizations in the bath, or a mini-meditation. Often, after a bath like this, sleep will descend upon you moments after you go to bed.

Relax before Sleep Best Way to Relax before Sleep

If you have difficulty getting to sleep because your mind keeps racing, avoid doing anything mentally stimulating in the hour before you go to bed. Try a meditation in preference to reading a book. Give yourself a massage instead of watching television, and use this time to calm your mind. Don’t drink any alcohol or caffeine during the evening; instead, try a hot chamomile or lavender tea.

Bedtime Relaxation Exercise

The following tense-relax exercise, performed while yon are lying in bed, is a simple way of relaxing before sleep.

  • Lie flat on your back with your arms beside you. Take a few deep breaths and imagine all tension leaving your body.
  • Beginning at your feet, flex and tense them as hard as you can, hold for a few seconds and then relax.
  • Point your toes and tighten your calf muscles; hold for a few seconds, then relax.
  • Repeat this process for each set of muscles in your body, working up your legs, to your buttocks, and lower back. Tighten your back muscles by raising your shoulders up to your ears, and then relaxing. Continue this process for your hands, arms, and neck.

Relax before Sleep 1 Best Way to Relax before Sleep

  • Finish by pulling a face with your jaw clenched, and then relaxing; and another with your jaw open, and then relaxing.
  • Breathe deeply, keeping your focus on your breath. Check your body for any residual tension and, if you find any, tighten the area and relax once more. With each exhalation, imagine all remaining tension leaving your body.


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