Best Way to Stencil a Dual Purpose Children Room

Apart from sleep this room may also be used as a playroom. A dual-purpose room introduces the challenge of creating a fun atmosphere during the day and a peaceful one at night.

It is important to watch out for your child’s bedroom becoming overwhelmed by plastic toys, as this will help to create a rather artifical environment for them to play and sleep in. If the room becomes messy or cluttered it can result in children not wanting to spend time there and losing respect for their environment.

Dual Purpose Children Room Best Way to Stencil a Dual Purpose Children Room

It is possible to use paints and wall coverings to create a playful atmosphere for during the day. Stencilling is a useful way to make a child’s room feel more stimulating. The colors and patterns can stand out from the plain surfaces and add a more vibrant atmosphere to the room.

Try to get your children more involved in setting up the room and even to help you redecorate. Use colors, fabrics, plants, lighting and natural materials to soften the atmosphere so that it can transform into a peaceful room to sleep in.

Appropriate stencilling

Choose the place or piece of furniture you want to stencil. Decide on a color scheme that will create the most helpful atmosphere for your child. Look at different designs for your stencil. Jagged designs will be more yang and help make the room feel livelier, whereas curved or wavy patterns will create a calmer, more yin atmosphere.

There is a wide choice of stencils and imagery available that will appeal to a young child and stimulate his or her imagination. For example, silhouettes of the moon and stars, flowers, animals or cars and trains.

You can either use a stencil brush, a small sponge or spray paint to apply the stencil, depending on the kind of effect you are looking for.

Similarly, you can use ordinary emulsion paint or specialist stencil paint. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and apply the paint to the surface you wish to stencil.

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