Category archives: Education & Training

Best Way to Bring up Baby by Mixing ‘Mummy’ with ‘Miss’ as a Teacher

Teachers are paid to educate and look after other people’s children. However, it is very important not to forget about your own, or the rest of your family.

Spouses and partners can often feel pushed out, especially if they don’t really understand the expectations of the teaching profession. During particularly… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Become a Successful Teacher

Everyone wants to be liked, and teachers are no exception. If you’re 0ew to the job, or new to the school, it can be a daunting task trying to earn the acceptance of your new students.

Remember: your job is to teach the students, not to try and gain new… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Beat the Bullies as a Teacher

Sadly, bullying does go on even in the best of schools, and it’s not just the students who get bullied. Many teachers complain of bullying and harassment at work from other members of staff. Although teaching is supposed to be a team profession, many teachers (espe­cially new or younger ones)… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Avoid Tiredness at School

Even when you’ve been teaching for years, being tired is something that can easily sneak up on you. Getting back into the swing of things after the school holidays can be particularly hard. After all those lovely long, lie-ins and working at a steady pace, going back to6 a.m. starts… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Avoid Becoming Known as a Shouty Teacher

There is a certain type of teacher who, when their temper gets the better of them, everyone else can hear from down the other end of the corridor!

Sometimes, having a reputation for being fierce isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but if you find you are resorting to shouting on… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Avoid Becoming a Doormat as a New Teacher

Starting a job at a new school, either as a new or experienced teacher, can be quite challenging. Not only will you feel the pressures of having to prove yourself in a new environment, you will also most likely want to be accepted as soon as possible as a team… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Avoid any Embarrassing Health-Related Incidents in the Classroom

None of us are immune to getting ill every so often, and working in a school means exposure to a great deal of germs and viruses. Thank­fully, the longer you work in a school, the stronger your immune system will get, until eventually those coughs and sneezes that seemed to… Continue Reading…