Category archives: Sports & Fitness

Best Way to Practice the Simple Swing

The basic golf swing is so simple that a child of eight can do it. Ironically, most adults can’t! Young children have no inhibitions and learn by copying – something for novice women golfers to remember.

Adopt a good address position, feeling comfortably tall and relaxed. All the basic learning… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Practice the Normal Pitch Shot in Golf

The successful normal pitch is a stroke-saver for golfers at all levels, enabling you to land the ball near the flag with a possible one-putt finish. For the beginner, a successful normal pitch will at least never miss the green.

The shot itself is the first example of the normal… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Practice the Followthrough in Golf

Many golfers underestimate the importance of the followthrough. It controls both the distance and direction of shots, and consistency of the followthrough is an asset.

You may hear golfers say: ‘If I do a good shot, I followthrough.’ What they should really be thinking is: ‘If I can make myself… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Practice Short-Putt Golf Swing

First, practise the short-putt swing without hitting any balls. Simply concentrate on making a smooth, short back-and-forward movement. Do this three or four times, or until you feel you have the right rhythm.

Next, take three balls and, without a target, strike them on the sweet spot, trying with each… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Practice Short Putting in Golf

Practice is vital to success in any area of golf and none the less so in putting. After all, remember that putting can make up as much as 40 percent of your game as a high handicapper and even more as you improve at your handicap.

To become a good… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Practice Short Pitching in Golf – 20 Meters and Less

Having learnt to make friends with your sand wedge, let’s put it into practice. For shots of up to 20 metres maximum, use the putting grip. This helps to keep the wrist firm and the clubface looking upwards for maximum height.

The club is short. Hold it near the end… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Practice Putting from off the Green in Golf

From time to time, you will find that even though your ball is not on the green it is better to putt the ball than risk a bad chip. If the grass between the ball and the green is not too long, the putter can be your best bet. Everything… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Practice Medium Putt in Golf

When you have experienced success with your short putting, it is time to start on the medium putt, from 6 ft (2 m) to 20 ft (6 m). Start about 6 ft (2 m) away from the hole, using three balls. Now that you are further away from the hole,… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Practice Long Putting in Golf

Good long purring is all about judging distance rather than judging direction. Remember that if you three-putt it will nearly always be because you hit the ball the wrong distance and not because you have hit it crooked.

Before every long putt, always have one or two practice swings to… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Practice Long Putting in Golf

The idea behind long putting is somewhat different from that behind medium putting, although the object is the same. Given the difficulties involved (that hole looks very far away!), your attitude to the stroke is different. Here, you must try to get the ball near enough to the hole to… Continue Reading…