Blog Archives

Best Way to Parent a Step Child

I have seen several cases in my life up till now and I am sure you have too that how hard it is to parent a step child. If you are reading this piece of information then I guess you are in a similar situation and having problems with your… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Set Rules for a Child

Every child needs structure and consistency in her life. True, a toddler seems to spend more time challenging rules than following them, but without them she would be totally con­fused. Insecurity and anxiety would soon set in. Rules serve a number of psychological purposes for your child during the preschool… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Raise an Only Child

An ever-increasing number of families has only one child. The main difference between only children and first-borns is that only children rarely have to compete with anyone else for their parents’ attention. Unlike an oldest child who is forced out of her central position in the family, an only child… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Interact with a Stuttering Child

Statistics suggest that stuttering (also known as stammering) occurs in approximately 4 percent of all chil­dren, although this figure drops to about 1 percent by the time they reach adulthood. The onset of stuttering is usually between the ages of two and eight years. Encouragingly, most childhood stutters spontaneously disappear… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal with an Unhappy Child

No child is happy all of the time. Like adults, children have ups and downs. There is a difference between a child who is momentarily sad in reaction to a partic­ular occurrence, for instance, because someone has broken her favorite toy, and a child who is regularly unhappy, for instance,… Continue Reading…

Best Way To Deal with an Over Organized Child

You probably recognize the impor­tance of your child using her leisure hours purposefully. Watching a young child fritter away hour after hour in front of the television—staring at a video she has viewed dozens of times already—is extremely frustrating for parents, especially with the plethora of extracurricular opportunities available for… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal with a Whining Child

No matter what age your child, his constant whining and moaning will drive you to distraction. Some chil­dren are, by nature, prone to complain, and rarely have a smile on their face even they enjoy themselves. But in most instances, a child whines constantly for a reason, which might be… Continue Reading…