Blog Archives

Best Way to Help a 12-Month-Old Baby Learn and Develop Skills

As your precious baby approaches his first birthday, you will look back in amazement at the incredible changes that have taken place. He is now a little individual with a unique personality, a wide range of emotions, and a strong sense of his place in the family and his daily… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Help a 11-Month-Old Baby Learn and Develop Skills

Your baby may be starting to behave more like a toddler if she is beginning to spend more of her time standing on her feet. And she feels more grown-up, too – she loves trying to help you around the house, and is a happy companion for you.

Physical developmentContinue Reading…

Best Way to Help a 10-Month-Old Baby Learn and Develop Skills

Your baby may now be gaining immense pleasure from all his activities, as well as enjoying having lots of fun with you and other members of the family. His ability to understand language is coming on in leaps and bounds and he’s beginning to make a real effort to communicate… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Help a 9-Month-Old Baby Learn and Develop Skills

Your baby’s personality is really beginning to shine through, and as her physical skills continue to develop and she becomes more confident she’ll start to show you that she really has a mind of her own when she wants something!

Physical development

Your baby may now be able to sit… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Help a 8-Month-Old Baby Learn and Develop Skills

Your baby is very attached to you and is becoming demonstrably more affectionate. He is never happier and more secure than when you are together, and so he may become more clingy in unfamiliar surroundings or with people he doesn’t recognize.

Physical development

Your baby may now roll from side… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Help a 7-Month-Old Baby Learn and Develop Skills

Over halfway through her first year of life, and your baby is beginning to take a greater interest in the world around her. Now that she can sit upright she has a new perspective on her environment; she is also more sociable and remembers day-to-day routines, developing a true sense… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Help a 6-Month-Old Baby Learn and Develop Skills

Six months is a developmental watershed for your baby as he grasps new concepts as well as physical skills. At around this time he will really be able to demonstrate his love for you and desire to be with you.

Physical development

Your baby is coming on in leaps and… Continue Reading…