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Best Way to Add Sparkle to Your Life Using Feng Shui

Mirrors or other reflective surfaces will change the direction of chi energy in the same way that they reflect light in new directions. This is helpful where you want to reflect more chi energy into a stagnant area. Mirrors will speed up the flow of chi energy, creating a dynamic,… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Add Rhythm to Your Life with Feng Shui

To be well organized we need a certain structure and rhythm to our lives. This can enable us to achieve more with less effort. Rather like dancing where the rhythm of the music can keep us active for long periods of time without tiring, having a rhythm to your life… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Add Excitement to Your Home with Feng Shui

Lights bring more energy into a space and, therefore, generate a livelier, yang atmosphere. Lights also add one of the components of the sun’s energy and so are associated with fire chi energy.

Representing the summer and midday energy, fire chi energy is used to help you become noticed, to… Continue Reading…