Category archives: Health & Personal Care

Best Way to Manage Diabetes during Pregnancy

Some women have diabetes before they get pregnant and some acquire it after becoming pregnant. Your body when pregnant has a higher demand for insulin.

Diabetes is caused when your body’s production of insulin, a hormone that converts sugar in the blood to energy, malfunctions. Sometimes there is not enough… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Make Your Space Comfortable during Bed Rest

Even if you’re not on bed rest, but you’re told you need to decrease your workload and get more rest, it’s important to arrange your home to decrease your activity level. You want to find a place or several places where you can rest even if they require that your… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Handle Your Life in the Latter Stage of Pregnancy

The latter stage of your pregnancy is the time to bring to a close those things that you no longer have any use for. You might need to put your career on hold or leave your job. But rather than see this as a loss, think of it simply as… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Finalize Your Birth Plan

Your original birth plan was an outline of the way you’d like your preg­nancy and delivery to go. As the months went along, you may have gathered more information from friends and other sources and amended your plan. For instance, you may have initially wanted an epidural to alleviate your… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Fight Fatigue during Postpartum Period

The most common complaint about recovering from a birth and car­ing for a newborn is the overwhelming fatigue. Most parents simply cannot believe how tired they are, and they wonder how long they can continue getting broken sleep. Happily, newborn “boot camp” doesn’t usually last long for most families.

HereContinue Reading…

Best Way to Exercise During Pregnancy

You’re probably familiar with the health benefits of exercise, for every­one. Exercise is also very important during pregnancy. However, the goal of exercise in pregnancy should not he to lose weight.

Exercise has three components: weight training, stretching, and aer­obic. The most important of these three before and during early… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Exercise during Postpartum Period

Try the following exercises after getting approval from your OB/GYN provider. Wear loose clothing, a supportive bra, and have plenty of water nearby for frequent drinks. You should warm up with some walk­ing and cool down with gentle stretches. If anything hurts, stop doing it and talk with yourOBprovider. Don’t… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Exercise during Bed Rest

Make sure you get permission from your doctor for doing any stretching and very light exercising while on bed rest. With the above caution in mind, we suggest you do the following stretches and exercises regularly each day. In addition, if you can afford them and it’s okay with your… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Exercise before Pregnancy

Prior to pregnancy is a good time to create lifelong good health habits. And regular exercise is a good habit. If you already exercise regularly, continue your program. If you aren’t exercising at least three times a week, you should increase your activity slowly, but try to start doing something.… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Examine for Cervical Changes during Pregnancy

Your doctor or midwife will perform an internal examination of your cervix to see if it has begun changing. The cervix is measured for length, thickness, and dilatation. He or she can feel your cervix by inserting two fingers of a gloved hand into your vagina. Some doctors view the… Continue Reading…