Blog Archives

Best Way to Relax and Let Your Hobbies Calm Your Nerves

There’s more to life than slaving away in the office and coming home to domestic chores. The word ‘hobby’ may bring to mind nerds and anoraks, but there is enormous satisfaction and great stress relief to be had from doing something purely for pleasure, not to mention the numerous other… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Calm

Under stress our muscles contract, adrenaline is released into the bloodstream, our hearts begin to beat taster and our blood pressure increases; we breathe more quickly, our metabolism speeds up, and we sweat to keep cool. This “fight or flight” response is entirely appropriate if we are in danger, if… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Use Music to Relax

People respond to music on a highly individual level. What one person may find relaxing and soothing, another may find boring or irritating. When we hear a piece of music we may recall the emotional experiences of other times we heard that music. There are, however, particular pieces of music… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Use Yoga to Relax

Yoga brings harmony to our existence and nurtures our whole being. It is a gentle art involving no strain or great exertion, and can be practiced by anyone, irrespective of age or state of health.

The word “yoga” translates as “union,” and the goal of those making yoga their way… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Relax and Unwind

The phone’s ringing, someone’s yelling -it’s pandemonium. If you need an antidote to today’s stressful living, read on.

What does the word ‘relaxation’ conjure up in your mind? Sipping ice-cold martini cocktails on a sun-drenched beach, meditating in the lotus position, burying your head in a good book, having an… Continue Reading…