Best Way to Apple Cider Vinegar Can Treat Acid Reflux and GERD

In the Snow White fairy tale, Snow white took a bite from the apple and immediately lost consciousness. This story is just that; a story. In the tale, the apple had a negative effect on her, yet in real life, apples are quite a wondrous thing.

Every day, people suffer from the worst diseases and illnesses. What is even worse is that some of these people will actually die from them. Remedies that have been around for decades, and even centuries, may be old, but they actually do work.

Treat Acid Reflux Best Way to Apple Cider Vinegar Can Treat Acid Reflux and GERD

One of these remedies is apple cider vinegar. This is has been proven to fix plenty of ailments, such as acne, allergies, the flu, sinus infections, candidia, high cholesterol, contact dermatitis, chronic fatigue, arthritis, sore throats, gout, and acid reflux.

Many people are sufferers from acid reflux or gastro-esophageal reflux disease, also known as GERD. Acid reflux and GERD occur when the LES relaxes and does not function the way it should. Stomach contents and acid flow back into the esophagus, and because there are acids involved, these burn the esophagus walls which will cause heartburn.

When heartburn occurs every so often, there is no need for any alarm or worry. However, if it is experienced on a regular basis, this should be cause for concern and it is advised that you visit your doctor.

Acid reflux can become serious overtime, as it eventually destroys the lining of the esophagus. If this occurs, your doctor will prescribe you medication to prevent any further damage.

This condition is often treated with antacids, yet there have been complaints of it only making matters worse. When antacids are used, the body compensates by producing more acidic fluids and the reflux will return as soon as the antacids wear off.

A natural way to treat acid reflux is the use of apple cider vinegar. As well as natural remedies work, they may take time and patience to see results. However, they are well worth the wait.

Apple cider vinegar usually costs anywhere between $3-$4 per bottle and can be found in any grocery store or supermarket. All this while, a treatment for acid reflux, among other things, was sitting right in your kitchen.

To use apple cider vinegar, simply dilute 2 tablespoons in a glass of water up to 3 times a day. If you are currently treating acid reflux or another disease, it recommended that you strengthen your dosage.

Treat Acid Reflux 1 Best Way to Apple Cider Vinegar Can Treat Acid Reflux and GERD

Some people who use apple cider vinegar have reported feelings of a burning tongue and a metallic or acidic taste in the mouth. However, apple cider vinegar definitely does wonders and you must be willing to stand the taste if you want it help you.

There is no specific brand or type of apple cider vinegar that works better than another. And since the effectiveness has been proven overtime, there is no need to be hesitant about using it. Maybe Snow White should have taken a dose of apple cider vinegar instead of eating the apple.

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