Best Way To Breastfeed Your Newborn Baby

One of the reasons why babies spend so much time eating is their stomachs are only the size of their fists. Consuming a lot of milk at one time just isn’t possible.

If you’re breastfeeding, the first rule is to relax. Find a quiet place away from distractions, and don’t watch the clock. Your baby doesn’t.

Dressing Comfortably for Breastfeeding

  • Use a front-buttoning nightgown or one with concealed slits. Bring one with you to the hospital.

Breastfeed Best Way To Breastfeed Your Newborn Baby

  • Wear a stretch bra that can be lifted up for nursing. Some women buy nursing bras before they go to the hospital, get­ting a size larger (and a cup size larger) than what they wore during pregnancy, but this doesn’t work for every woman. Consider buying a bra extender in a sewing notions depart­ment for the extra “give” you may need.
  • To prevent leaks from soaking through your bra cups, use soft handkerchiefs, three or four layers cut from an old undershirt, two-to-three-inch circles of terry cloth stitched together, or a sanitary napkin or diaper cut to fit. Half a panty liner may be all you need. Nursing pads and other commercial products are also available.
  • Wear printed tops to make stains less visible if you leak.
  • If you’re concerned about modesty, unbutton your blouse from the bottom, or wear a cotton T-shirt or pullover that’s easily lifted up. Your baby’s head will cover your bare midriff, and the T-shirt will cover your breast.
  • Keep a cardigan sweater, scarf, or receiving blanket handy for a quick coverup.
  • Comfort Setups for Nursing
  • Protect linens and blankets while nursing in bed by covering them with a crib-size waterproof pad.

Breastfeed 1 Best Way To Breastfeed Your Newborn Baby

  • Use a big pillow with arms, or a C-shaped nursing pillow, for breastfeeding in bed. Some nursing pillows have Velcro straps that fasten around the mother’s back.
  • When nursing your baby on chilly nights, wrap up in a big blanket or get into a snuggle sack together. Or have a sweater or robe available. Your milk will flow better if you’re warm and cozy.
  • Select a cushioned rocker, armchair, or sofa for nursing while sitting up. Choose one with low arms to rest your arms on, and put a pillow under your nursing arm for added support. If you’re thinking about buying a rocker, remember that a wooden one will be easier to clean than an upholstered one, though perhaps not as comfortable.
  • Place a thermos with a warm drink, or a sports bottle filled with a cool drink, near the area where you’ll be feeding your baby, so you can have the drink you need. Keep a few energy bars there, too.

Nursing Techniques

  • Keep track of which breast you started on last time by trans­ferring a safety pin from one bra strap to the other. Or move a lightweight expandable bracelet or fabric hair “scrunchie” from one wrist to the other. Some women use a ring that’s loose enough to transfer from hand to hand.
  • Keep your baby awake and sucking by gently rubbing her cheek.
  • When you want to stop nursing, put your finger in the corner of your baby’s mouth to break the suction and ease the infant off your breast.
  • If your baby falls asleep while nursing, change her diaper to wake her up when you’re ready to change breasts.
  • Wear a bright necklace with colored beads or ribbons for your baby to look at and play with while nursing.

Breastfeed 2 Best Way To Breastfeed Your Newborn Baby

  • Some babies find it hard to settle down against slippery nylon or polyester. If you’re wearing a shirt of either fabric, slip a diaper or receiving blanket between you and your baby.
  • If you’re engorged and your baby isn’t ready to nurse, express some milk in a warm shower or bath, or place a warm com­press on your breasts before expressing milk.
  • Experiment with various breast pumps, if possible, to find the one that works best for you.
  • Stop an older baby who bites while nursing by pinching your baby’s earlobe just hard enough to be a distraction.

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