Best Way to Burn Stomach Fat

There are two things you must do to burn stomach fat: eat healthy foods and exercise. You have to both in combination accomplish and maintain your weight loss. First let’s talk about a healthy diet. The way food is prepared can add calories to your diet. For example, a 1/2 cup of boiled potatoes has 55 calories, but a 1/2 cup of fried potatoes has 230 calories. Notice the huge difference? Before you begin a diet, you need to know which foods are fattening and high in calories. Here is a list of foods you should try to avoid.

High Calorie Foods:

Butter                          Margarine                    Certain Cheeses

Oils                              Mayo                           Fried Foods

Sodas                          Candy                         Fatty Meats

Cookies                       Alcohol                       Potatoes

Chocolate                    Rice                             White Breads

Burn Stomach Fat Best Way to Burn Stomach Fat

Next there is your weight and exercise. There are 150 calories in a glass of beer. If you don’t want this beer to add up as fatty tissue, you will have either walk for 22 minutes or run for 6 minutes to burn these excess calories. Exercising will not shed pounds overnight. It will burn away body fat, improve muscle tone, and improve the efficiency with which your body burns carbohydrates. Exercise should never be a crash course, but rather a lifetime involvement. You should find an exercise that you enjoy so you will continue doing it. You can listen to music while exercising. You can also get a group of friends together and make an exercise group to help keep you motivated.

People tend to require less food as they grow older. Elderly people should only diet with their doctor’s supervision. It is generally better for older people to eat three meals the same size each day. Older people should also avoid strain and exhaustion. They should stop exercising as soon as they feel tired. Older people should always consult their doctor before beginning any exercise program.

Since bad eating habits usually begin in early childhood, you should start enforcing healthy eating habits at an early age. This will prevent future weight problems. It is harder for children to keep extra weight off than adults, so instead of a bag of chips give them fruit. Drinking too many sodas is one of the main things kids do that puts extra weight on them. Try to cut back and give them juice or water. There is different fruit flavored water available now, so this will make it easier to get kids to drink it. Kids also spend a lot of time lying around on the couch in front of the television. This lack of physical exercise causes obesity in many children today. You can make a game of dancing around whenever a commercial comes on. This is a fun activity that will help get them active.

Burn Stomach Fat 1 Best Way to Burn Stomach Fat

If you are unhappy with the progress you are making during your weight loss struggle, then you may need to consult a professional to get you on the right track. You can get help from fitness trainers at your local health club or gym. You can also hire a personal trainer if you prefer to exercise in private. Make sure you pick a trainer that is qualified and has your goals in mind. These trainers can help you achieve your weight goals. They can help you improve your life. Don’t get discouraged. It will take some time to achieve your goals, but if you stick with, you will have a flat stomach in no time.

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