Best Way to Create Your Own Home Spa in Your Bathroom

Create your own home spa in the privacy of your bathroom and wake yourself up to the wonders of hydrotherapy. Water is the very essence of life – without it we cannot survive more than two or three days. These sim­ple techniques refresh tired eyes, and leave you totally energized and ready to start the day.

Eye splashing

Keeping your eyes closed, alternately splash them with hot (not too hot!) and cold water, about twenty-five splashes of each, then repeat.

Own Home Spa Best Way to Create Your Own Home Spa in Your Bathroom

If you have any form of eye disease or infection, or very poor sight, then use hot and cold compresses instead. Fold a soft clean cloth or flannel kept specially for the purpose into a pad large enough to cover the eyes and sur­rounding area. Immerse it in very warm water, squeeze out the excess water and apply the cloth to your closed eyelids until it has cooled. Follow with a cold flannel, then repeat the whole process.

Bright eyes

If you wake in the morning with puffy eyes, keep a flask of hot water by your bed, drink a glass first thing, then lie back in the corpse position for 10 minutes. The hot water helps to kick-start the kidneys and draw out retained water from the delicate tissue around the eyes. As you lie back, close your eyes and become aware of your breathing, without altering the natural flow of the breath. If your body feels tense, practise deep muscle relaxation

Shower power

If you’re man – or woman – enough, try extending the power of hydrotherapy to your morning ablutions, or any other time you need a quick pick-me-up, using alternating shower temperatures. The hot and cold contrast will tone you up, get your circulation going, stimulate your internal organs, boost your immune system, and leave your whole body tingling with pleasure and raring to go.

Own Home Spa 1 Best Way to Create Your Own Home Spa in Your Bathroom

Start with the shower warm for a few minutes, then turn the temperature down as cool as you can bear for half a minute or so, then back to warm. Repeat two or three times, finishing up with cold water. Wrap yourself up, preferably in warm towels, pat yourself dry and relax for a few minutes.

Now you are dried and revitalized, channel your new-found energy with a quick burst of exercise: the bathroom bends are tailor-made.

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