Best Way to Get Your Child Going into Hospital

Hospitals can be very frightening to a young sick or injured child so it makes sense to introduce him at an early stage to the idea of hospitals and what they do. Point out the hospital as you pass it and explain who works there. If you have friends or relatives who are health professionals or who work at the hospital, this will help your child associate it with familiar people and thereby make it seem more normal.

If you have to go to hospital, your child will pick up a lot about what goes on simply by coming with you to the out-patient clinic or by visiting you in hospital. Many things that you take for granted must seem strange to a child, such as the smell, the uniforms and the beds being wheeled around, so talk to him about everything and try to let him see hospitals as helpful rather than frightening places.

Child in Hospital Best Way to Get Your Child Going into Hospital

Many young children have to stay in hospital at some time, so it’s a good thing that hospital wards today are likely to be welcoming and child-centred. Both parents and staff are aware of the adverse affects that being alone in hospital can have on a young child’s emotional well-being and parents are usually encouraged to stay with their children as much as they can. However loving and caring a nurse may be, a child will always prefer his mother or father to be with him. Some wards offer parents a camp bed by their child’s bed while others have special rooms nearby where a parent can sleep. An older child may be quite happy to stay in hospital without you as long as he knows when you’ll be visiting.

If you stay with your child, you may want to ask your partner, another member of the family or a friend to spend some time with him each day to give you a break – it’ll do you good to get some fresh air and exercise. Eating well is also important and it’s a good idea to pack snacks and drinks for yourself as it may be difficult to get anything during the evening or at night in hospital. However, don’t give your child anything to eat or drink until you’ve checked with the staff that it’s quite safe for you to do so.

Child in Hospital 1 Best Way to Get Your Child Going into Hospital

Organizing things at home

It’ll help enormously if you are happy with the arrangements for the care of other children. Friends and family are usually only too happy to help out in times of crisis, so don’t be too proud to ask. You may also want to spend some time with your other children. If your sick child doesn’t want to be left, you could either ask your partner or a friend or neighbour to bring them into the hospital, or you could pop home for an hour or so when someone else is with your sick child.

If you are unable to stay with your child in hospital, don’t forget to tell the staff any special names he might use for the lavatory, and don’t forget to take his favourite cuddly toys or blanket with him.

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