Best Way to Improve Your Finish Position in a Golf Swing

The finish position that you adopt after the ball has been struck cannot in itself affect the flight of the ball, but what you do after the ball has been struck is always the result of what occurred earlier. A free, flowing swing devoid of tension will allow the club to continue after the strike. The idea is to swing the club to the target and not at the ball. Swing through the ball, not at it. The amount of swing movement after ball contact depends on arm freedom and club-head speed. Remember to swing the club, not yourself, to the finish position.

The movement of the arms around the axis of the swing will turn the body to the finish position, facing the target with the right knee pulled forwards towards the left leg and your belt buckle pointing at the target. The pressure has now transferred to the left heel.

Finish Position in Golf Swing Best Way to Improve Your Finish Position in a Golf Swing

Do not mistake weight transference with moving your upper body. Your weight can be on the left foot and your body still behind the shot.

At the end of the full swing movement, it is the free swinging of the arms in the correct plane and along the correct path that produces a good follow through, with perfect control and balance. The pressure should be on the left foot, belt buckle turned towards the target, and head and shoulders behind the lower body, causing a bowing forwards of the left leg and a slight backward bowing of the spine; only the toes of the right foot touch the ground and the right foot is perpendicular.

Finish Position in Golf Swing 1 Best Way to Improve Your Finish Position in a Golf Swing

Juniors often exaggerate this finish posi­tion, using a violent leg movement from a wide stance. Older golfers find this posi­tion difficult, so a narrower stance and a freer use of the arms, hands and club will help them maintain control and balance during a full follow through.

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