Best Way to Make a Up-Do Hairstyle

The catwalk appears to have a continuous love affair with the ‘up-do’ – hair that is worn up. Piling your hair on your head is a clever way of looking like you’ve just stepped off the runway. The up­do comes in all shapes and sizes, but the key is not to let it look too overdone. Here are some different up-dos for you to try.

  • Quick and simple: fasten your hair into a ponytail using a fabric-covered elastic somewhere between your crown and the nape of your neck. Having pulled your hair through the elastic once, the second time you bring the ponytail through stop halfway and secure it. If you want it to look less structured, tease out little bits of hair and curl, crimp or straighten, before applying a smidgen of gel, wax or serum with your fingers to separate the ends.

Do Hairstyle Best Way to Make a Up Do Hairstyle

  • The twist and roll: having spritzed your hair with styling lotion, sweep it back off your face into a ponytail at the nape of your neck. Now twist the ponytail towards the crown, roll in the ends and secure the ponytail with a couple of clips or pins.
  • The topknot: pile your hair into a high ponytail at the top of your crown using a fabric-covered elastic. Wind the hair around the elastic and secure it with a clip (pull out a few strands if you like and add texture with styling aids).

Do Hairstyle 1 Best Way to Make a Up Do Hairstyle

  • A head of little twists: separate your hair into several little bunches, then haphazardly twist and fold each section before pinning it to your head with kirby grips. Another desirable twist, which makes you look as though you have a head full of little topknots, is created by scrunching up each section into a little bundle and securing it with fabric-covered elastic.

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