Best Way to Reduce EMF in Your Home

Everything that uses or transports mains electricity, from a radio to a washing machine, will produce electromagnetic fields or EMF.

Some research has suggested that EMF could be detrimental to your health. The risks range from headaches to cancer. The EMF will certainly distort the earth’s local natural magnetic field and they are, therefore, not desirable in feng shui. The best way to reduce your exposure to EMF is to keep as far away from the source as possible. The general rule is that the closer something is and the more electricity it uses the greater your exposure to EMF. For example, an electric hairdryer or electric blanket, if switched on, will subject someone to a relatively strong EMF. In addition, the longer you are exposed to it the greater the risk of health problems.

Reduce EMF Best Way to Reduce EMF in Your Home

One way to detect disturbances in the earth’s magnetic field is with a compass. As the compass passes over a disturbance the needle will turn to realign with the new magnetic field swinging erratically as you move over it. Some items in your home are simply magnetic by nature and anything with iron in it will have a similar effect as electrical items on a compass. Radiators, metal furniture and white goods, along with electrical items will all distort a magnetic field.

Reducing EMF in the home

Walk around your home and make a note of all the objects you have that are powered by electricity. Think about how close you are to them when they are in operation and for how long.

Next look at the list and see where you can substitute a non-electrical device for something electrical. For example, replacing an electric blanket with a hot water bottle, an electric cooker with a gas cooker or a hair dryer with fresh air. Whenever you have an opportunity to unplug a device, do so, as this will disconnect the transformer and it will no longer create an EMF.

Reducing your exposure to EMF

Move any electrical objects that can be placed away from where people will sit. See if you can arrange the room so that you are at least3maway from the television. Move your computer screen further back from where you sit. The central processing unit (CPU) also emits EMF, so distance yourself from this too. If you have a laptop keep the remote transformer as far from your body as possible. The same applies to a fax machine and photocopier.

Where possible grow a peace lily, spider plant or South-American cactus next to electrical objects.

Finding EMF in the bedroom

Switch on all electrical items in your bedroom. This could include lights, alarm clock, television and music centre. Take a compass and move it slowly over your bed. Be sure to keep the body of the compass aligned with the bed so that you can see any movements of the needle. Note the areas where the needle moves.

Reducing EMF by your bed

Next look for any cables that run under your bed or close to your head. You may find that the wall socket is next to your headboard. The cables could run under a carpet so you will need to trace them from electrical equipment to the wall sockets. Where possible resite the cables, keeping them as far from your bed as possible.

Recheck your bedroom with the compass and see if the needle is steadier. You may need to consider moving the bed to another part of the room if the compass still moves erratically as this could be due to cables in the wall or under the floor. Check the alternative spaces with a compass until you find a suitable area with a consistent reading.

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