Best Way to Stop Preterm Labor Contractions with Self-Treatment

Self-treatment is something you can do to try to get your contrac­tions to stop or decrease when they are caused by something minor like dehydration or too much activity. However, as noted in the above warning, talk to your doctor about self-treatment measures before you need to use them.

When you notice that you’re having four or more contractions in one hour, cramping, backache, or pelvic pressure, try the following self-treatments:

  •  Immediately drink 16 ounces of water or diluted juice.
  •  Go to the bathroom and empty your bladder.
Stop Preterm Labor Best Way to Stop Preterm Labor Contractions with Self Treatment
  •  Lie down on a couch or bed on your left side with your feet up for one hour sipping another 16 ounces of fluid.
  •  Time the contractions and write it down so you can report the amounts, times, and duration to the doctor, nurse, midwife, or clinic.

If you’re still having contractions after one hour or you feel a back­ache or menstrual-like cramping, call your doctor immediately. Also, if you have bleeding, spotting, or leaking fluid, you need to call yourOBprovider right away. Even if the contractions stop and you are feel­ing better, you need to get more rest and fluids for the remainder of the day.

How Does Self-Treatment Help?

Often, drinking water and lying down will be sufficient to calm an irri­table uterus and stop the contractions. You may have gotten busy and forgotten to drink enough fluids. You may be dehydrated, which can cause your uterus to begin contracting. It’s very important that you continue to drink at least 64 ounces (eight 8-ounce glasses) of water or other fluids each day. It’s also important to take frequent rests dur­ing pregnancy. Take time out to put your feet up and just relax. Have a glass of water and a “lie down” a couple of times a day.

Reporting Your Symptoms

Start by telling yourOBprovider your name, when your baby is due, if you’ve had any problems in this preg­nancy so far, any medication you’re taking, and if your cervix had started to change at a previous office visit.

Then report the following:

  •  All your symptoms (backache, contractions, cramping, leaking fluid, bleeding or spotting, etc.)
  •  The frequency of contractions
Stop Preterm Labor 1 Best Way to Stop Preterm Labor Contractions with Self Treatment
  •  How long the contractions last (duration)
  •  Whether you’ve tried self-treatment measures
  •  How active your baby is usually, and if the activity level is dif­ferent at this time.

Depending on your symptoms, yourOBprovider may decide to have you come into the office or the hospital to be evaluated or give you other instructions to follow. However, if the contractions con­tinue or return, monitor your contractions and contact yourOBprovider again. Write down his instructions to remember them.

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