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Best Way to Design Your Garden Plan

The standard advice is to plan your garden on paper, starting with a sketch showing the proportions and existing features of the property, and going on to another sketch indicating where you propose putting trees, flower beds, borders, paths. I know there are personal gardens created without this planning stage… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Decorate Your Garden with Arbour

A cousin of the arch and the pergola is the arbour, an equally traditional garden structure originally designed for romantic trysts between lovers. Arbours have featured in the literature of several different cultures for centuries, and remain a timeless garden favourite.

Romantic arbours

Secluded, shaded but cosily warm arbours help… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Create a Wildlife Garden

The vibrancy, colour and serenity of nature are brought closer to home in this clever design, which includes several differ­ent habitats within a single, fairly small site and provides opportunities for attracting a wide range of wildlife. The variety, scent and colour will please both the gardener and the wildlife.… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Create a Shrub Garden

This broadly square garden is given dra­matic appeal by having several raised beds of different heights and sizes. These not only bring variety to the garden but leave an asymmetrical, curvy lawn, which draws attention away from the symmetry and squareness of the plot.

The eye is encouraged to rove… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Create a Herb Collection in your Garden

If you have enough space to cultivate herbs fro ornament, display them in groups according to their use or to emphasize the differences between plants in the same genus. There are herbs for every theme and colour scheme. For example, collections of mint, rosemary, thyme, sage, lavender and marjoram reveal… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Control Pests in Your Vegetable Garden

The pleasure of growing your own produce can be short-lived if slugs or rabbits get to your crops before you do, and greenfly on a salad is rarely appetising. However, not every crop gets ravaged by pests and diseases each year. In most cases, using barriers to prevent pests reaching… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Construct a Scree Bed in Your Garden

Rock gardens are expensive and time-consuming to construct, but you can swiftly bringthe distinctive flavour of alpine plants to your garden by making a scree bed. It is so much easier and cheaper to make than a rock garden, yet a scree garden still enables small bulbous plants, miniature conifers… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Choose Herbs for Your Garden Borders

Many of the plant species categorized as herbs are attractive flowering or foliage plants that can be taken out of the context of the herb garden and used successfully in a mixed border.

Sage – whose foliage colours range from silver to purple and include a tricolour variety that is… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Build an Informal Roof Garden

Imagine you are the owner of a small area of dull grey concrete, shaded by sur­rounding trees and with low walls. The ques­tion is how to liven it up and yet not lose the interest of the trees and woodland beyond. The answer is to build a garden like this,… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Build a Woodland Garden

The focal point of this garden is the lawn, which is surrounded by taller planting in deep shrub borders, making it resemble a woodland clearing. The height of the planting also provides privacy and gives the garden a secluded air.

The basic layout of the garden is geomet­rical, but the… Continue Reading…