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Best Way to Build a Urban Garden

Strong lines, symmetry and balance are used to create this stunning garden. The length is broken up in an innovative way by using two interlocking circles of lawn.

The strong design reflects an individual character. There is a good balance of greenery and space as well as reflections of the… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Build a Split-Level Garden

Many older houses have a garden that is accessed from a basement later re-modelled in order to allow more light into the kitchen or dining area. This garden is designed on two levels to cope with such an arrangement. The levels are asymmetrical and joined by steps, the shape of… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Build a Semi-Formal Pool Garden

The semi-formal pool garden is centred around two pools, which ate divided by a curving brick path and a bog garden. Having pools and a bog garden greatly extends the range of plants that can be grown and creates an attractive habitat for wildlife. Because of the rich diversity of… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Build a Raised Bed Garden

Informal raised beds are ideal for bringing ‘height’ to a garden, where they create attractive focal points as well as enabling plants to be grown at waist-height so that they can be easily seen and tended. Once again, they can be surprisingly quick, easy and economical to construct, and they… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Build a Semi-Formal Square Garden

The semi-formal nature of this garden comes from the fact that it is designed around a geometrical shape and all the paving and raised beds are symmetrical. The garden is balanced by the chairs, set diago­nally to emphasize the axis, and by the planters either side of the seat. The… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Build a Japanese Garden

There are few styles of garden more clinical yet as serene and calming as Japanese gardens. These gardens traditionally make extensive use of water, stone lanterns, bamboos, maples, azaleas, bridges and pagodas, but a simpler form can be created for small, enclosed gardens.

This is the so-called ‘dry garden’, a… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Build a Garden in Sun

A shady home garden can be left pretty well to its own devices over summer. If your garden is in full sun, however, you have to think along altogether different lines. Whatever you do, don’t let the sunshine tempt you into planting perennial borders. What’s good for your perennial flowers… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Build a Japanese-Style Garden

The main design feature of Japanese-style garden is the geometric layout of the floor, and several different materials have been used to create patterns of wood, bricks, gravel and stone. Water, light and a few carefully chosen feature plants are then used to contrast with and complement this geometric pattern.… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Build a Garden for Wedding

I have left till last the very worst—the scenario that makes strong gardeners turn pale. It’s The Wedding. It may be your own child who surprises you with the determination to be married in the garden (the first whiff of interest in the garden in twenty-five years). Or perhaps back… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Build a Formal Roof Garden

A formal roof garden elevates the gardener heavenward and makes the most of a small, sunny area. From being a potentially dull, overlooked and boring corner, the area has been turned into a beautiful and restful garden, far above the busy streets, where you can escape, entertain and relax.

Because… Continue Reading…