Category archives: Family & Relationships

Best Way to Deal with Diabetes Mellitus in Children

Diabetes mellitus, often called “sugar diabetes,” is a disease most people know something about. “Diabetes” means “a siphoning off’ or “a run­ning through”; it describes a condition in which the body excretes a great deal of urine. “Mellitus” means “sweet” (containing sugar). There are two types of diabetes mellitus. Physicians… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal With Children Stealing

A child under the age of three does not usually have a full understanding of the significance of personal pos­sessions. True, a young child can get very agitated when his friend takes one of his favorite toys without asking, but he can­not generalize this concept to other people’s possessions. So… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal with Burns and Scalds

Burns can be caused by fire, electricity or chemicals or by coming into contact with a hot object. Scalds are caused by steam or hot liquid. The dangers of a bad burn or scald are that the child will lose a lot of fluid from the burnt skin, leading to… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal with Baby Sleeping Problem

Some parents let a wakeful child cry after checking to make sure there’s nothing wrong. They say the crying becomes progres­sively shorter over a few nights, and eventually stops altogether. Check your clock rather than your gut feeling. It always feels as if children are crying longer than they actually… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal with Baby Colic

Colic is not a disease. It can’t be tested for. It’s characterized by inconsolable crying that lasts one to several hours at a time, usu­ally in the evening between six and midnight. Doctors don’t know what causes colic, but it often reflects an unusual sensitivity to stimulation or, in breastfed… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal with an Unhappy Child

No child is happy all of the time. Like adults, children have ups and downs. There is a difference between a child who is momentarily sad in reaction to a partic­ular occurrence, for instance, because someone has broken her favorite toy, and a child who is regularly unhappy, for instance,… Continue Reading…

Best Way To Deal with an Over Organized Child

You probably recognize the impor­tance of your child using her leisure hours purposefully. Watching a young child fritter away hour after hour in front of the television—staring at a video she has viewed dozens of times already—is extremely frustrating for parents, especially with the plethora of extracurricular opportunities available for… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal with a Whining Child

No matter what age your child, his constant whining and moaning will drive you to distraction. Some chil­dren are, by nature, prone to complain, and rarely have a smile on their face even they enjoy themselves. But in most instances, a child whines constantly for a reason, which might be… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal with a Child’s Learning Difficulties (LD)

Children experience learning difficulties for many reasons:

  • In some instances, a child is of below-average ability and, as a result, is expected to have difficulties with school work. Such a pupil has a general learning difficulty.
  • In other instances, a child is of at least average ability,

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Best Way to Deal with a Child who Persists in Telling Lies

When you catch your two-year-old child red-handed, in the middle of an act of destruction, chances are that she’ll deny doing it. Most toddlers will deny misbehaving in these cir­cumstances, either because they genuinely wish they hadn’t committed the offense or because they know they are in deep trouble and… Continue Reading…