Category archives: Gardening & Farming

Best Way to Paint Your Garden’s Border with Hardy Annuals

With the opportunity to create a wide range of colors each year, it is difficult to understand why flower borders formed of hardy annuals are not more popular. It is true that these beds involve quite a lot of work, in relative terms, but this pales into insignificance when you… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Paint Your Garden with Sculptural Plants

These are plants that by dint of their size, shape and texture have a dramatic influence on gardens. Some of them have giant, majestic foliage, others sword-like leaves and spartan stems, and a few have pretty, clustered flower heads.

Bold, spiky, long-leaved, dramatic or plain eccentric-looking, architectural or sculptural plants… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Paint Your Garden with Plants

Gardens offer a broad canvas for gardeners to paint, and within most of them there are opportunities to introduce new features and to group plants in exciting and colorful combinations. The flower arranger’s garden offers a wide range of flowers that are suitable for cutting to display in vases indoors.… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Paint a Winter Garden with Plants

Winter-flowering plants are invaluable for brightening the so-called dull season of the year. Winter-brightening shrubs and trees with colorful barks and stems look superb on their own, but when other plants are positioned around them, their season is extended and the display improved. Here are a few combinations of plants… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Move a Plant in Your Own Garden

There are all sorts of valid reasons for moving a plant. It may be growing too big and need to be moved further back. It may be a frail plant being overshadowed. It may be too similar in leaf texture to its neighbor. It may bloom at the wrong time… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Mix Roses with Other Plants in Your Garden

For many years, roses have been grown on their own, in beds or trained along walls, but to make better use of space, as well as to create more interesting displays, they can be mixed superbly well with other plants.

Mix and matching shrub roses

Plant the species rose Rosa… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Make Herb-Flavoured Oils and Vinegars

Herbs added to oils or vinegars infuse them with their flavours; these flavours in turn are imparted to any dish made with the herbed oil or vinegar. Making a vinaigrette with such oils and vinegars brings a greater depth of flavours to a salad. Herb vinegars also offer convenience. They… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Make Herbal Skin Care Products

It is important to treat your skin type appropriately. For oily skin, steam cleansing is very beneficial. Sit over a bowl of steaming water to which one or two drops each of lavender and yarrow oils has been added; place a towel over your head to help contain the steam.… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Make Culinary Herb Borders

Herbs are some of the oldest cultivated plants, and include annuals, biennials, herbaceous perennials and evergreen shrubs. Some herbs are grown for their leaves, which are used to flavour a wide range of dishes, while others have seeds that introduce rich, spicy flavours to food and drinks. Occasionally, roots and… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Make Compost for Your Garden

Today the buzz word is compost. Composting involves piling layers of materials such as leaves, weeds, kitchen waste, lawn clippings, manure, spent plants, and a little soil, in such a way that they decompose into humus.

A compost pile may be just that—a pile of garden rubbish dumped behind a… Continue Reading…