Best Way to Encourage Your Twin’s Individuality

The way you bring your baby up will have a strong influence on his personality. And whatever genes and personality traits are passed down your family line and inherited by your baby he will still develop his own characteristics. But how should you encourage identical twins, or triplets, who share… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Encourage Your Baby to Develop Healthy Eating Habits

As your baby learns how to sit up properly, grip a spoon, and discover how to feed himself over the next few months, he will become an active participant in family meals. And he’ll love it when you all eat together. Mealtimes will also become easier for you as he… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Discipline Your Toddler Properly

Don’t expect too much obedience of your toddler. Remember that she still has lots to learn about good behaviour and consideration of others. Her learning will be gradual as she has a very short memory span and does not recall “lessons” except through repeated experience. At the moment site is… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Develop a Close Relationship with Your Baby Using Massage

When your baby is born, the first thing you instinctively do is lovingly touch her. Physical contact, whether it’s cuddling, stroking, kissing, or rocking, comes naturally and helps you develop a close relationship with your baby. It’s also vital for her emotional well-being, showing that you love her and building… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Dealing with Toddler Night Waking

When children of around a year old wake at night, many of them will not simply turn over and go back to sleep but will wake their parents up as well! Children generally will compensate for losing sleep at night by sleeping for longer during daytime naps. However, this will… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Create a Bedtime Routines for Your Baby

You can avoid many sleep problems by helping your baby develop good sleeping habits. Even if it’s been hard to get her into a good night-time routine when she was younger, six months is not too late to start. And although illness, or even a change of environment, may unsettle… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Communicate with Your Baby

Your baby is born with a strong drive to communicate, and quickly develops many different ways of “talking” to you. He has many different kinds of cry, which he uses to convey different needs, and uses eye contact and body language effectively. Before he is two months old, he will… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Communicate with Your 6-Month-Old Baby

From the day your baby is born, he is communicating with you. Initially this is just by crying; later by smiling, too, and from six months old onwards he’ll use a whole range of signs and gestures. It will be many months yet before your baby can actually say his… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Bond with Your Baby

Bonding is a very special process: a wonderful experience through which you and your baby learn to love each other. This relationship may begin to form as soon as you set eyes on your baby, or it may take many months to establish, strengthening every time you interact. Bonding is… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Write Reports for Your Students

One of the most tedious, and sometimes the most difficult, tasks of teaching is writing reports. All teachers have to do it, and sometimes it can be hard to think what to write. Whatever you write on the report card will stick with that student, potentially for a long, long… Continue Reading…