Best Way to Control Weight before Pregnancy

Ideally, you should be at a good weight when you start a pregnancy. Remember, pregnancy is a physical event. A great deal will be asked of your body. But you may have problems getting pregnant if your weight is excessive. Being overweight can make your body work harder and tire faster because excess weight is a physical stress. And once you’re pregnant, significant weight gain can affect how well you do in labor and even impact your baby’s health.

If you’re overweight before pregnancy, it may be difficult to shed the pounds gained in pregnancy after having your baby. And the psycho­logical impact of continuing to be overweight can alter your self-esteem and your outlook on life in general.

Weight before Pregnancy Best Way to Control Weight before Pregnancy

We’re not naive: Losing weight is very difficult for many women. You may need some expert help. Your doctor can determine whether you have a medical condition that is causing you to gain weight and requires medical intervention. He or she can also provide referrals to professionals who can help you with implementing an exercise rou­tine, getting proper nutrition, and altering eating habits. A nutri­tionist can assist you with a safe weight-loss program that is geared to your becoming pregnant. By asking for professional help, you will have the tools and support to successfully attain your ideal weight and level of fitness.

If you’re underweight

Being underweight may alter the levels of your reproductive hormones, and you may therefore have difficulty becoming pregnant. If you do become pregnant, being underweight during pregnancy may mean that your baby may be undernourished.

To increase your weight to a normal level, your doctor can put you on a nutritious diet to boost your intake of calories or investigate possible causes for your inability to attain a normal weight. Your problem may be easily resolved once you pay more attention to what you’re eating and stick with a healthy diet. Try following the USDA’s food guiding pyra­mid to help you gain weight in a healthy manner.

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