Best Way to Deal with Unusual Food Craving and Spotting during Pregnancy

Along with the common symptoms, you may experience less common symptoms during pregnancy such as unusual food cravings or spotting.

Unusual Food Cravings

You may not have problems with morning sickness but crave unhealthy foods, nonfood items, or may have no appetite during this first trimester. These responses to early pregnancy are all normal.

If you find you’re wanting to eat excessive amounts of foods high in fat or sugar, choose healthy eating menus or meal plans that describe specific meals to prepare and eat. Enroll your husband and family members in the same plan to avoid having fattening food around. Give yourself a tiny reward once in a while.

Spotting during Pregnancy Best Way to Deal with Unusual Food Craving and Spotting during Pregnancy

While some cravings are normal, wanting to eat things such as clay, dirt, chalk, or starch, is called “pica craving” and may be caused by a lack of certain minerals and vitamins in your body. Tell your doctor or midwife about any pica cravings. Some women crave ice in early pregnancy. This is not necessarily harmful but may be a sign of anemia and should also be reported to your obstetrical provider.

If you have little or no appetite in the first trimester, try to eat small portions frequently during the day, ignoring your lack of hunger. Learn which foods contain the nutrients your baby needs, and plan to include them in your diet. You may want to make a schedule that establishes when you’ll have regular snacks. Healthy snack foods include yogurt, pretzels, trail mix, nut butters, fruit, and raw vegetables.


You may notice a little spotting—a tiny amount of red or brownish blood—during the first trimester. Sometimes spotting happens because tiny blood vessels on the cervix break after sex. Spotting can also be caused by a minor vaginal infection. Or it may occur when the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. Most of the causes of spotting are nothing to worry about, but it’s important to report all incidences to your doctor/midwife. She or he will determine if any action is necessary.

If you have spotting accompanied by pain in the pelvic area, back, or shoulder, report these symptoms immediately to your OB provider. He or she will want to see you to be sure you’re not having an ectopic pregnancy.

Spotting during Pregnancy 1 Best Way to Deal with Unusual Food Craving and Spotting during Pregnancy

With ectopic pregnancy, a fertilized egg does not descend into the uterus for implantation. Instead it remains in the fallopian tube and starts to develop there. If the embryo is allowed to remain there, it will rupture the fallopian tube. Once this problem is diagnosed, the treatment is usually successful. If you’re diagnosed with an ectopic Pregnancy, for the sake of your health, your pregnancy cannot be allowed to continue. Prompt action on the part of your OB provider will ensure that you’re able to try and become pregnant again as soon as you desire.

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