Best Way to Display Wall-Baskets and Mangers

Wall-baskets and mangers are increasingly popular as they offer the opportunity to create large and dramatic displays of flowers and decorative foliage against walls. These create spectacular color in spring and summer, usually at waist height.

Displaying wall-baskets and mangers

Because they are independent of soil at ground level, wall-baskets and mangers can be positioned wherever drives, paths or pavements abut walls. Another intrinsic advantage of these planting vessels is that because they are not at ground level, rubbish does not collect around them.

Display Wall Baskets Best Way to Display Wall Baskets and Mangers

Where flowerbeds are positioned beneath wall-baskets and mangers, color harmonies or contrasts can easily be created between the two features.

Combine wall-baskets and mangers with plants in tubs or large pots. For example, after planting these features, position a tall plant on either side, such as half-standard fuchsias or tall, columnar conifers.

Small wall-baskets are ideal for positioning on walls either side of a front door. They may also be used on balcony walls, where they are less susceptible than hanging-baskets to damage from strong, blustery winds.

When using a wall-basket or manger on a wall between two windowboxes, position it slightly lower than the boxes. If placed at the same level, it creates a ribbon of color that bisects the house. Positioning a manger or wall-basket slightly lower creates a better design and does not confuse the eye.

Simple but sure displays

Some seed-raised plants have been developed to survive rain and storms – and even hot weather. The following plants will repay careful cultivation with fine displays whatever the conditions:

  • Camissonia cheiranthifolia: Bright, canary-yellow flowers over a long period.
  • Impatiens ‘Bruno’: A busy Lizzie with large flowers in mixed colors.
  • Impatiens ‘Mega Orange Star’: A busy Lizzie with large orange flowers with white bars.
  • Petunia ‘Prism Sunshine’: Large, bright yellow flowers that fade cream; veined in lime green.
  • Petunia ‘Storm Mixed’: Color mixture -white, pink, salmon and lavender.
  • Spraguea umbellata ‘Powder Puffs’: Known as ‘pussy paws’, these plants produce fur-like, powder-pink flowers, at least on those that survive moderate droughts.

 Best Way to Display Wall Baskets and Mangers

Sizes and materials

There are mangers and wall-baskets to suit all walls. Mangers are available in sizes from 30cm wide to about 70cm, in about 10cm (4m) stages. Wire-framed wall-baskets range in width from 23cm (9m) to 50cm wide. Plastic and terracotta types are available in widths from 15cm (6in) to 25cm and come in a variety of different colors.

Planting a wall-basket or manger

Secure the basket or manger to a wall and line it with thick, black plastic, ensuring that it overlaps the back and front edges. The plastic prevents compost falling out, conserves moisture in the compost and reduces the chance of excess water running down a wall. Spread a 5cm layer of moist peat in the base, then add and firm equal parts peat-based compost and loam-based compost to within 2.5cm of the rim. Use a sharply-pointed knife to puncture the plastic along the base of the basket’s front to encourage water to escape and not to run down the wall.

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