Best Way to Do a Correct Backswing in Golf

Inevitably most of your early lessons on the swing will focus on the backswing. Make sure you don’t work so hard on the backswing that you forget that it is simply preparation for hitting the ball forwards.

The address position prepares you for the backswing. The left arm is straight though not stiff and the right is relaxed. The left shoulder is slightly up and the fight shoulder is down and relaxed. The knees are very slightly flexed and knocked in towards each other. The eyes focus on the back of the ball, with the head if anything behind it.

Correct Backswing in Golf Best Way to Do a Correct Backswing in Golf

At the top of the backswing, your back has turned to the target with your left arm swinging across and upwards, supporting the club on the left thumb. The hips and legs move just enough to let this happen. The right leg should stay slightly flexed, not locking and straightening. The club shaft should be horizontal or just above the horizontal. The left arm ideally stays straight, swinging across towards the right shoulder. The right arm should naturally form a right angle.

The left arm is straight and is slightly arched, with the right relaxed. In the backswing the left shoulder turns and the left arm swings across the body and upwards, supporting the club on the left thumb. In the perfect position, the back of the left wrist should be almost flat with the club more or less parallel to the line of your shot.

Your weight starts slightly on the balls of your feet. Professionals often swing to the top of the backswing without lifting the left heel, but most women playing club golf will find they need to. Let the left heel lift slightly while keeping the ball and toes on the ground. The foot should simply told and bend as the heel rises up.

Contact Problems Golf Swing 11 Best Way to Do a Correct Backswing in Golf

Correct backswing

Aim to emulate the smoothness and stability in the backswing. Note that the positions of the arms and feet – left foot bending, back turned towards the target. Don’t lift the whole foot without bending it and don’t let your little toe off the ground. You have too far to put it back down again by the time you hit the ball. Don’t try to keep your left foot flat on the ground if it doesn’t feel natural. You may find yourself rolling onto the inside of the foot, which leads to a poor movement as you swing through to impact.

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