Best Way to Feng Shui Your Home Using Charcoal

The western and north-western parts of your home are associated with metal chi energy. According to the theory of the five elements, this metal chi energy can be destroyed by fire chi energy when there is a deficiency of soil chi energy.

The western part of your home is also associated with the desire to be wealthy, feeling romantic and being content, while the north-western side relates to feeling in control, being organized and acting with wisdom. These aspects of your life could be disrupted if you have anything that generates fire chi energy, such as a fireplace, boiler or cooker (gas or electric).

Feng Shui Home Best Way to Feng Shui Your Home Using Charcoal

The solution to this is to add more soil chi energy to help harmonize the fire and metal chi energies. A convenient and simple option is to use charcoal in a clay pot, which will generate strong soil chi energy. The energy can be further enhanced by placing the pot on a yellow cloth.

Other items made of clay will help, as will yellow objects with low flat shapes. The earth used to pot houseplants carries even more soil energy. A yellow flowering plant in a clay container will harness all these attributes.

Using charcoal in the home

Break a stick of artist’s charcoal into chunks and put them in a clay pot. Stand in the centre of your home and use a compass to find the western and north-western segments of your home. Look in those areas to see if you have any of the items that generate fire chi energy, such as a fireplace, boiler or cooker. Place the clay pot containing the charcoal on a yellow cloth as close as possible to the item.

Using charcoal near heat

In the case of a cooker or fireplace, place a pot of charcoal on either side. Place the charcoal on a shelf or on the floor below the boiler and place it in a cupboard as near to the oven as possible.

Change the charcoal approximately every two months and keep the area around the charcoal clean and uncluttered.

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