Best Way to Get Rid Of a Double Chin

Ever looked in the mirror and asked yourself, how can I get rid of this doublechin? A double chin is a layer of fat around the neck. This fatty skin sags down and creates a large wrinkle. This gives the appearance of having a second chin, hence the name double chin. It can happen to anyone regardless of age. It happens more commonly to overweight people.

There are some cases where double chins are caused by genetics. The main cause of this unsightly condition is weight gain. The first thing you should do to remove it is change your eating habits. Exercise alone is not enough to remove this stored fat.

Double Chin Best Way to Get Rid Of a Double Chin

There are many weight loss plans available today. You could try weight watchers, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, or Slimfast among others. Make sure to research each plan to find one that’s suited for your individual needs. Some of these plans are more expensive than others, so take your budget into consideration also. There are many diets for weight loss available today. There are antioxidant diets, hoodia diets, green tea diets, raw food diets, cabbage diets, grapefruit diets, Mayo Clinic Diet, Atkins Diet, and the Southbeach Diet.

There is a very informative website that can help you with all your weight loss needs. So check out There are also many chin exercises you can perform to remove that unsightly double chin and have a more youthful appearance. Here are some of those chin exercises.

Chin Exercises:

Rest chin on palms of hands pressing firmly. Rub muscles strenuously. Constantly shift hand position. This exercise needs to be done persistently daily.

Open mouth wide; pull bottom lip over bottom teeth. Move jaw up and down in scooping motion. Do this exercise 10 times for two or three days.

Sit on chair or against wall with back straight. Slowly tip head back while closing mouth. Push chin to front and open mouth wide as possible. Repeat at least ten times.

Push palm of hand to forehead for 10 seconds while resisting with your head and neck. Make sure you feel tension in neck and chin. Do this same motion with hand on back of head. Repeat this same motion on each side of head with hand over ear. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times.

Raise chin up and close mouth as if chewing. Make sure you feel tension beneath jaw and front of neck. Open mouth wide and push lower jaw forward and upward. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Double Chin 1 Best Way to Get Rid Of a Double Chin

You need to tighten up any sagging facial muscles also. Your facial muscles and jaw muscles go hand in hand. Here are a few exercises for this problem area.

Facial Muscle Exercise:

Lie down on your back. Draw up both mouth corners toward your eyes. In other words make a great big smile. Drop chin as far down as possible. This places tension to strengthen muscles. While keeping them bunched up, open and close your jaws. Massage them at the same time. This will give your face that youthful round look.

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