Best Way to Get Rid Of Love Handles

What exactly are love handles? Love handles are the flabby areas on the sides of our stomach. They may be called love handles, but we definitely do not love them. This article will tell you how to get rid of those annoying areas.

Many people mistakenly focus on exercising their stomach abs. This will not get rid of love handles. Weekly aerobic exercises are the best way to flatten your tummy and remove the flabby side areas. You need to raise your metabolism up then burn it off to trim down and lose extra body weight.

Love Handles Best Way to Get Rid Of Love Handles

You have to get your whole body in shape to get genuine, lasting results. You will also have to maintain your new lifestyle to keep the weight off once you reach your goal. You can’t just exercise for a month and then quit, because the weight will come right back. You have to make exercising a part of your daily routine.

Here are a few exercises that will start you on your way. The Standing Trunk Twist is an aerobic exercise that burns stomach calories. You stand with your feet apart and relax your knees. While keeping your legs and hips stable, you twist your torso to the left, cross your right arm in front of you and extend in a punching motion. Then twist to the right and repeat the same motion. You should do this repetitively 100 times for maximum results.

The Twist Crunch exercise works your internal and external oblique area. This is the area that stores the fat which creates love handles. First lie on your back with your knees bent. Lift your head up and put your hands under your head. Don’t lock your fingers together though. Twist to the right and bring your left elbow to your right knee. Extend your left leg out. Repeat this same move with your right side. You need to do 25 repetitions to get maximum results.

You need to drink plenty of water every day also. Try to avoid fried foods, sugar, and high fat meats. You should eat plenty of veggies and fruit each day. If you don’t like fruit and veggies, then you can drink juices instead. Protein shakes are great to drink during or after your workout.

In order to get rid of your love handles, flatten your tummy, and lose weight, you need to exercise at least 4 times a week. You should exercise for at least 20 minutes each time for the exercises to work properly. Aerobic exercises get your heart rate up, which increases your body’s metabolism. It only takes 2 and a half hours a week to get the flat tummy you have always wanted.

Love Handles 1 Best Way to Get Rid Of Love Handles

Weight loss will not happen overnight. It is something you will have to work on to get the desired weight you want. Once you reach your weight goal, you will have to continue your new lifestyle of healthy eating and exercise to maintain you new body. When you look in the mirror, you will see this maintenance was well worth your effort.

Getting rid of embarrassing love handles is an easy task, but you have to commit yourself to a new healthy lifestyle. Exercise alone is not enough to slim down your stomach. You have to balance it with healthy eating habits also. Doing this as a daily routine will give you a body to be proud of.

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