Best Way to Help Your Toddlers Learn Physical Activity

The toddler years are often years of great physical activity. Now that she is mobile, and curious, your toddler will want to find out about what she is capable of and the world about her. She may seem to have a “Go” button but no “Stop” button. Help your toddler learn to manage her energy as constructively as possible, because this is an important step in her development.

It is important to allow your toddler plenty of time to run around in a safe space, such as a park, playground, or indoor soft-play area. Take a ball with you to kick and chase.

Physical Activity Best Way to Help Your Toddlers Learn Physical Activity

The importance of physical activity

Channel your child’s energy constructively as well as allowing for free play in the park or with other children. At this age, learning how to swim provides a good opportunity to become physically competent in water. Music and movement is also popular: it develops concentration, coordination, rhythm, and imagination if you devise different games for the music. There are also toddler gym classes and indoor soft-play facilities that allow toddlers to improve their balance and motor skills as they develop muscle strength and have fun.

The difference between boys and girls

Numerous studies have shown that boys need more physical activity than girls. Boys tend to become more restless more often and concentrate for shorter periods on quieter activities (such as playing with blocks or toy animals) than girls. If your toddler is a boy, when he becomes restless or frustrated he will walk round the block with his push-along trolley or a game of being chased by you in the garden or park. Once he has let off steam, he will be happy to sit down with his crayons or toy cars again.

Recharging the batteries

Try to balance periods when- your toddler expends physical energy with quieter times that allow her to relax and recharge her batteries. A toddler who knows how to relax will also find settling down to sleep easier than one who does not. Children who consistently do not get enough sleep are often overactive because they become physically reliant on excess “awake” hormones to compensate for lack of sleep.

Small children have immature nervous systems and are easily overstimulated. An overstimulated toddler becomes frustrated when playing, requiring more intervention than usual. When this happens, involve your toddler in a quiet, soothing activity, such as reading a book. If she is consistently tired by lunchtime or early afternoon, try putting her in her cot for a daytime nap, to improve her energy levels for the rest of the day.

Toddler Physical Activity 1 Best Way to Help Your Toddlers Learn Physical Activity

You may find that your child’s energy levels are revitalized after eating. Small children easily flag without regular refuelling. Concentrate on giving her healthy snacks, and limit highly processed foods and those that contain a lot of chemical additives.

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