Best Way to Improve Your Putting Movement

The correct putting movement is a pendulum motion with the arms that removes all independent movement from the hands and wrists, everything moving backwards and forwards in one piece (the one-lever movement). The distance-the ball travels is decided by grip pressure and length of backswing.

The degree of movement needed to move the ball a short distance is best judged and executed if you use your arms only and not your wrists and/or fingers. The design of the putter grip helps to eliminate unnecessary wrist/finger movement, and that is why the grip is different from that of all the other clubs.

Putting Movement Best Way to Improve Your Putting Movement

For all but the short putt, the distance the putter head moves is the same on the backswing as on the follow through. Allow the club head to accelerate slightly on the forward swing. On the short putts, stopping the putter shortly after impact will give you a more distinct strike, helping to keep the ball on target.

The line of the backswing is slightly on the inside. The line of the downswing is from the inside and along the target line.

The forward press

A forward press will help you to start the backswing smoothly and on the correct path. This is done by ‘pressing’ your hands very slightly forwards towards the target in the instant before you commence the back-swing.


  • Arrange a club on the ground so that it is parallel with the target line. Put a ball beside the lower edge of the grip, allowing enough space between it and the grip to swing the putter comfortably. Address the ball.
  • After the forward press, swing back smoothly, slightly on the inside path. You will do this automatically if you avoid touching the thicker end of the grip on the ground. Should you touch the grip during the backswing, you have taken the putter back too straight or even on the outside. This makes it impossible to strike the ball correctly.
  • Swing the putter from the inside so that it passes through the original address position (the toe of the putter will then be as far from the shaft of the club on the ground as it was at the address position). In the photo, the ball has been struck and is on its way.

Putting Movement 1 Best Way to Improve Your Putting Movement

  • Allow the club to continue towards the target, with the blade facing the hole and the toe still the same distance from the shaft as it was when you addressed the ball. Stand completely still throughout.

The correct path is: on the backswing, slightly on the inside; then back and through the address position and straight along the target line.

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