Best Way to Practice Your Short Chip-And-Run Shot

We show here an excellent way of practicing your short chip-and-run shot, using tees to help you ensure that the ball is struck first (with a descending blow), thus creating the height necessary to land the ball just on the green and roll it up to the flag. Practicing like this also helps you to understand the importance of keeping the triangle formed by the arms and shoulder line intact throughout the movement.

When you have practiced in this way and you are satisfied with the success you have achieved, take a rest before changing the club and the target. Do not use any tees this time, but striking the ball first and the grass afterwards, keeping your triangle intact.

Short Chip Run Shot 1 Best Way to Practice Your Short Chip And Run Shot

When you feel that you have mastered this, the next phase in your step-by-step approach to successful chipping is playing the same shot from the same position and to the same target but with different clubs, to gauge the difference in the results obtained and to gain experience of the trajectory and length of roll of each club. In other words, you must learn how far each club will fly the ball and how far the ball will roll after landing, given that you strike the ball with exactly the same movement.

Do not neglect practice from sloping positions too. A downhill lie requires a more lofted club, and vice versa. Side-slope shots should also be practiced; you will find your practice swings immensely helpful in determining the point of contact between club and ground, and the direction the ball takes.

Practicing the short chip and run

  • Tee up about six balls and with a No. 8 iron play them at a specific target. Make sure that you strike the ball with a descending blow and that you make contact with the tee, knocking it over.
  • When you have been successful in striking both ball and tee every time, play them again, but this time with the tees lying on the ground about 2 in (5 cm) in front of the balls.

Short Chip Run Shot Best Way to Practice Your Short Chip And Run Shot

  • Striking the ball first and the tee afterwards proof that you have struck the ball with a descending blow. Remember to think as well of the length of shot you want to play – all your successful shots should end up in the target area.
  • Only when you have gone through these steps successfully should you move on to practicing the chip without a peg. Play the ball from the grass and remember to strike the ball first and then the grass. Never try to scoop the ball up in the air, just let the loft of the club do its work and the ball will lift correctly.

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