Best Way to Relieve Headaches, Stiff Necks and Shoulders

There are many kinds and causes of headaches, but tight muscles around the head, especially those of the face, neck and scalp, caused by stress or poor posture, are the main cause of tension headaches. Mild or severe, they can last for days or even weeks, and while over-the-counter drugs help relieve pain they do nothing to relieve the tense muscles which are the root of the problem.

However if you recognise the first signs of a headache and take early action you can often ease it, without recourse to tablets, simply by relaxing the muscles with gentle stretching and massage, or with acupressure, aromatherapy, hot baths, and deep relaxation.

Stiff Necks Best Way to Relieve Headaches, Stiff Necks and Shoulders

Cross-legged forward bend with head support


  • Sit cross-legged on a firm cushion, folded blanket, or telephone directory with a support for your head in front. The head support could be the seat of a chair or sofa, or a pile of books, far enough away for you to be able to lengthen your back and rest your head comfortably on it.
  • Bend forward, resting your head on the support, adjusting your position or that of your support if necessary.
  • Let your head rest heavily. Close your eyes, part your teeth and soften your face. Stay in the position for 2-5 minutes.

Focus points

  •  Let your shoulders release. Feel them soften and broaden.
  •  Relax the back of your neck and abdomen.
  •  You should be comfortable in this position. Make any adjustments to your sitting position or head support as appropriate.

Right-angle bend with head support

This position has a quietening effect on the mind. Resting your head in this way releases tension in the shoulders and neck, and the pressure on the forehead releases tension in the face, eyes and head.

Relieve Headaches Best Way to Relieve Headaches, Stiff Necks and Shoulders


  • Place a folded blanket or a cushion on a table or kitchen worktop.
  • Stand facing the table with your feet hip width apart and your toes pointing forward, about a foot or more away.
  • Bend forward and clasp each elbow with the opposite hand. Extend your forearms away from your body and over your head if you can. Rest your forehead on your folded arms or, if your shoulders are not too stiff, directly on the table with your forearms extended beyond. Adjust the position of your feet so your legs are vertical and your back elongated.

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