Best Way to Sleep with Your Baby Safely

Close proximity to your baby is important during the early months, not least because you will have to feed him frequently at night. Some studies have shown that co-sleeping is beneficial for your baby; it may help regulate his breathing and body temperature, and there is also evidence to suggest that it can be good for your baby’s emotional development. The feeling of having him close to you can be wonderful, and may also decrease your anxiety about his well-being. However, a recent study has identified a link between Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and babies under eight weeks bedsharing with an adult, so it’s best to avoid co-sleeping until your infant is two months old.

Whether you sleep with your baby is a very personal choice. Parents in many cultures do so intuitively, but this does not mean that you will. It is important that both you and your baby have periods of restful sleep. If you try having your baby in bed with you, and find that you and your partner are uncomfortable, then placing the baby in a crib is probably the best option for your family.

Sleep with baby Best Way to Sleep with Your Baby Safely

Considerations when co-sleeping

An recent study by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has led experts to recommend parents do not sleep with babies under eight weeks. After this time, there are several things you must keep in mind to ensure he is safe and comfortable while in bed with you.

You will want to ensure there is adequate space in the bed for the baby. If the bed is too cramped, he can become overheated or you might crowd or roll on him. Never give your baby a pillow for his head or cover him with a duvet. Use blankets instead.

It’s also important that you and your partner are alert and attentive to the baby’s needs. Therefore, you should avoid having the baby in bed with you if you are overly tired, taking a medication that makes you drowsy, or have recently consumed alcoholic beverages.

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