Best Way to Spend Quality Time with Your Child

Family life is hectic, no matter what the age of your children. When your children are babies, their phys­ical care takes up so much time, with the constant washing, changing, and feeding. When they are toddlers, they demand a lot of attention because they want to be amused so much of the time. When they’re preschoolers there’s the carpooling to play­groups and activities, and the endless rounds of parties. When they reach school age, they become involved in a whole new range of educational and social activities that occupy much of the day. You have your own busy lives to lead, too.

Spend Quality Time Best Way to Spend Quality Time with Your Child

No wonder that family communication can falter in the hubbub of everyday life. That’s why it is so important to make “quality time”—a time when outside pressures are laid aside, when every member of the family sits down and shares his or her feelings and ideas, while the others listen. Quality time is the opportunity for parents and children to keep in touch with each other about what’s happening in their lives.

Quality time can be individual—for instance, between you and just one of your children. It can be achieved by setting aside a specific time each day to be with your child, talking to her about her experiences that day, or perhaps playing a game with her. Some children are pleased just to have the chance to talk about their daily activities with their parents. Even if you can manage this for only a few minutes each day, your child will benefit.

Spend Quality Time 1 Best Way to Spend Quality Time with Your Child

Quality time can also be a whole-family event. Mealtime is often the best time, since this is perhaps the only moment of the day when all the members of your family sit down togeth­er. Turn off the television and make a point to encourage a fam­ily meal. Make sure that everyone around the table has a chance to share their experiences. A small amount of quality time gives a iarge amount of psychological satisfaction to everyone.

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