Best Way to Stayed Relaxed and Calm

A daily routine of relaxation techniques is the most effective way to avoid becoming highly stressed. If you know that you are about to face a stressful situation, there is a variety of “quick” techniques that can assist you in staying relaxed and calm.

Take a moment to notice

When you realize you’re becoming stressed, take a moment to notice what your body is doing. How is your posture? Are your shoulders relaxed? Have you been holding your breath? Which parts of your body are tense? What is causing the stress? Is the stress necessary? In identifying which areas of your body you have tensed, you will probably find you have already relaxed them. If not, use one of the “quick tip” exercises to release the tension. If you are able to isolate the cause of the stress and you discover the stress is unnecessary, see what you can do to change the situation or your reaction to it. This way you can proceed in a relaxed state.

Relaxed and Calm Best Way to Stayed Relaxed and Calm

Smile and laugh

The age-old adage of “laughter is the best medicine” is particularly true if you’re in a stressed state. A smile or a laugh can break the stress cycle and give you a different perspective on life.

The next time you feel anxious over your workload, or there’s a day when everything that could go wrong has gone wrong, try to mentally take a step back and ask yourself whether being stressed and stern about it is going to improve the stituation.

If you can recognize you are not going to lose time by smiling and perhaps even being able to laugh at yourself for being so serious you have taken a step towards relaxation.

A good laugh releases endorphins into our bodies and improves how we feel both physically and psychologically. Spend some time discovering what makes you smile and what makes you laugh, and keep a few triggers handy. These could be a book of cartoons, a comic video, or even some mental images you can call to mind. The added bonus is that smiling and laughter are infectious, so by lightening your own day you can also lighten the day of those around you.


Singing is an effective way to release emotional tension, and is especially useful if you are anxious or fearful. It helps the body relax as it increases circulation and can trigger the release of endorphins by the brain. Don’t be concerned about singing in tune and sing whatever type of music you like, either solo or accompanied by a recording. If you don’t know the words, make them up or even make nonsensical sounds. If singing feels too boisterous, start by humming a tune and work your way into a song. Use this technique wherever you like, in the car or the shower.

Shake out the tension

This effective exercise is particularly useful in a work situation. Find a private spot in which you can practice — it only takes a minute or two.

Relaxed and Calm 1 Best Way to Stayed Relaxed and Calm

Firstly, stretch upward inhaling deeply, then let your breath out with a “ha,” flop your upper body over at the waist and let your arms hang loosely downward. Lift each shoulder alternately to “shake out” tension in the shoulders and upper back, and slowly nod your head to release tension in the neck muscles.

Stand upright again and take two or three deep breaths, focusing on releasing any remaining tension. Create a mental image of yourself staying calm and relaxed throughout the day.

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