Category archives: Family & Relationships

Best Way to Help a 1-Month-Old Newborn Learn and Develop Skills

It may seem to you that all your newborn does is eat, sleep, and cry – but from the moment she is born, she is developing new skills with incredible speed. By the end of her first month, she will have become more alert and responsive, started to gain some… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Give Your Baby the Right Foods

Your baby should have at least one portion of fish, meal, egg, lentils, or beans every day, since these are the best sources of protein and iron. By the time your baby is six months old, the stores of iron with which he was born are used up, and milk… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Get Your Baby to Sleep through the Night

Sleep – or lack of it – is a major issue for most parents. But sleep is vital for babies, too, so that they can grow and develop properly: it is during sleep that growth hormones are released and new cells grow fastest. Not enough sleep can make an otherwise… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Feed Your Toddler Properly

By the end of the first year, your child should be eating mainly family meals, although prepared with less salt or sugar than for an adult. She will bite and chew with her gums a long time before teeth appear, using the copious saliva she also produces to help soften… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Feed Your Baby Properly

Feeding your baby will take up a lot of your time but it can be a great way for you and your baby to bond and enjoy each other. Your breast milk provides her with all her nutritional needs for healthy growth and development. Around four to six months she… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Establish a Sleeping Pattern to Your Toddlers

During the second year, toddlers need about 12 to 14 hours sleep within a 24-hour period. Sleep is very important to babies, and deep sleep is necessary for all children, as it is restorative and helps to promote growth.

Getting enough sleep

Ideally toddlers need a long period of uninterrupted… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Encourage Your Twin’s Individuality

The way you bring your baby up will have a strong influence on his personality. And whatever genes and personality traits are passed down your family line and inherited by your baby he will still develop his own characteristics. But how should you encourage identical twins, or triplets, who share… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Encourage Your Baby to Develop Healthy Eating Habits

As your baby learns how to sit up properly, grip a spoon, and discover how to feed himself over the next few months, he will become an active participant in family meals. And he’ll love it when you all eat together. Mealtimes will also become easier for you as he… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Discipline Your Toddler Properly

Don’t expect too much obedience of your toddler. Remember that she still has lots to learn about good behaviour and consideration of others. Her learning will be gradual as she has a very short memory span and does not recall “lessons” except through repeated experience. At the moment site is… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Develop a Close Relationship with Your Baby Using Massage

When your baby is born, the first thing you instinctively do is lovingly touch her. Physical contact, whether it’s cuddling, stroking, kissing, or rocking, comes naturally and helps you develop a close relationship with your baby. It’s also vital for her emotional well-being, showing that you love her and building… Continue Reading…