Category archives: Family & Relationships

Best Way to Understand the Role of Heavy Sleep in Children Bedwetting

Is your bedwetting child, lie the majority of bedwetter, almost impossible to awaken? Although heavy sleep is sometimes the principal cause of bedwetting, most often it is a contributor to bedwetting, no matter what the central cause. Therefore, it is important for you to gain an understanding of the role… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Understand the Nature of Parents

Most couples experience mixed feelings at the prospect of becoming parents, especially with their first child. First comes excitement at the thought of having a baby in the family, someone extra to love and care for. Then comes appre­hension: won’t a baby cause an enormous disruption to their existing lifestyle?… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Understand the Milestones of Children Development

Detailed study of child development by doc­tors, psychologists, and child-care professionals has shown that there are a number of “milestones,” that is, significant points of development. Most children pass through these milestones at about the same age. For instance, most children are able to sit independently at the age of… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Understand the Language Development of a Child

It’s amazing that every child develops language in the same way, progressing through the same stages in the same order. Bear in mind that the follow­ing suggested ages are only approximate, and that wide individ­ual variations are normal between children. At each stage, the child uses language in a new… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Understand Prenatal Development

Life inside the womb is fas­cinating! The process of development from the moment of con­ception to the moment of delivery is divided into three phases:

  • The ovum. This phase lasts about ten to fourteen days; it is the period from the moment when the nucleus of the sperm fuses

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Best Way to Understand Integration for Children with Special Needs

Until recently, it was assumed that the best way to help a child with special needs was to place him in a “special” school, where he would mix with other children at the same level of development and with the same sorts of difficulties. The theory underlying this outlook is… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Understand Diabetes Insipidus in Children

Diabetes insipidus (a disease that has nothing to do with sugar or the pancreas) is very, very rare in children. It has a number of causes. One is an injury or tumor in the area of the brain that normally produces the hormone vasopressin, which regulates the production of urine;… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Understand Children’s Jokes

Listen to some children’s jokes—such as “What did the salad say to the potatoes?” “Shut your eyes, I’m dressing “— and you’ll probably find it hard to believe that these are the early signs of a more sophisticated adult sense of humor. The foundation of the ability to see the… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Understand Children Sexual Abuse

Physical contact between parent and child is a normal, healthy part of healthy family relationships. Sexual abuse, however, is a criminal offense, and does not nec­essarily involve physical contact. Sexual abuse is any interaction between a child and an older person where the child is used for a sexual purpose.… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Understand Baby’s Reflexes

Healthy new babies have a number of automatic, or reflex, actions, some of which are used by pediatricians to assess your child immediately after birth. You may have noticed that as soon as your baby was born, she was briefly examined by medical and nursing staff, who gave her an… Continue Reading…