Best Way to Do Meditation


The lotus position, in which the Buddha is classically depicted, is the ideal posture for meditation, so much so that it has become its very symbol. The legs are locked together, providing a stable base from which the meditator will neither topple over nor fall asleep, and no effort is required to maintain the position. Although very relaxing once hips, knees and ankles have become sufficiently flexible, the posture is invariably uncomfortable to begin with, particularly if you are accustomed only to sitting in a chair. Never force your legs into this position.

Instructions – Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you Bend your right knee and take hold of your right foot, placing it at the top of the left thigh so that the heel presses into the abdomen. Then in the same way bend your left leg and place your left foot on top of the right thigh.

Do Meditation Best Way to Do Meditation

The soles of your feet should be turned up and both knees should touch the ground. Your back should be straight from the base of the spine to the neck, the back of your head in line with the base of your spine, and your abdomen relaxed. The hands are placed on the knees, palms up, with the thumb and first finger touching. Alternatively they can be placed between the heels, one over the other. Begin by holding the position for up to a minute, gradually increasing the length of time you stay in it.

In the classic lotus the left leg is placed on top, but to develop equal flexibility on both sides it is best to reverse the roles of the legs regularly. This applies to all cross-legged postures.

Half lotus

If you find it difficult to sit in the full lotus you may like to start with the half lotus.

Instructions – Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Bend your left knee and place your left foot beneath the right thigh as close as possible to your buttocks. Then bend your right knee and place your right foot on top of the left thigh, as in the full lotus. Again, both knees should touch the ground and your back should be kept straight. Place your hands as for the full lotus and regularly reverse the positions of your legs.

Perfect posture

This is another classic meditative pose, easier to achieve than the lotus posture, but again a position of great stability.

Instructions – Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Bend the left knee and place the left foot against the perineum (the soft flesh between the anus and the genitals). Then bend the right knee and place the heel against the pubic bone. With the sole of the foot upturned, tuck the toes in between the calf and thigh of the left leg. Buttocks, thighs and knees should all rest on the floor. Place your hands as for the lotus posture, and regularly reverse the positions of the legs.

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