Best Way to Deal with Unsuccessful Lessons

Not all lessons go completely to plan. Regardless of how many hours of careful and meticulous planning we put into our lessons, we should always expect the unexpected.

To a new teacher, lessons that go wrong can be something of a blow to self-esteem and confidence. Most experienced teachers have… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Practice Time Management

Our lives have become so busy and overwhelmed with so many things today. As times goes on I am sure that there will be a time when things will be like a mess and most of the people would not know how to balance things. I mean we already are… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal with the Situation When Your Pupils Hate You

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, your class just doesn’t like you. Maybe it’s because of a personality clash, or perhaps you simply got off to a bad start at the beginning of term. ‘You can’t win them all’, as the saying goes – but unfortunately, you do still… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal with the Situation When a Student Has a Crush on You

My first crush, at the age of 14, was on my Technology teacher. I thought he was gorgeous and Technology became my favourite subject for a while. I forgot all about this until years later when I became a teacher myself and suddenly realized that one particular Year 9 boy… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal with Teenage Angst

Periods, spots, hormones and puberty – no wonder some teenagers can seem so angry all the time! Teenage angst – the term given to describe a time of emotional strife during the adolescent years – is a minefield for the students and the teachers alike, and is often the time… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal with Tantrums and Tell-Tales in the Classroom

Tantrums and tell-tales are generally more common among female students, but some boys do it too. I truly believe that hormones have a lot to answer for when it comes to tantrum behaviour, and girls of a certain age seem especially talented at pouting their lips and stamp­ing their feet… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Sell Commercial Property

Real estate business is a matter of chances and a bit of mind games. There are several different means of getting into real estate and actually making profit out of it as well but you have to recognize some major differences and factors that could be the opposites at once.… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal with Stress and Depression as a Teacher

Sadly, one of the major causes of people leaving the teaching profes­sion is stress-related illness. This is no surprise when you consider how stressful the job can be. Many teachers, particularly those who are new to teaching, often feel completely overwhelmed by the pressures of the job. Perhaps what is… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal with Rumors at School

All students love rumors, particularly “juicy” or possibly scandalous ones. As a teacher, you can be particularly vulnerable to rumors due to your position within the school. Rumors are like bushfires; once they begin they can be very hard to stop. All you can really hope for is to try… Continue Reading…

Best Way to Deal with ‘Problem’ Parents as a Teacher

Not all parents are easy to approach: in fact sometimes they can be worse to deal with than their children! Some parents simply do not seem interested in their children’s education, while others are over-interested and question your every move as their teacher.

In addition to termly parents’ evenings, you… Continue Reading…